Graduate Course Offerings

MechSE offers a variety of courses in fluid mechanics and thermal sciences, solid mechanics and materials, controls & dynamics, nanomechanics & nanomanufacturing, and biomechanics. Note that there is considerable flexibility built into MechSE graduate degree programs to allow students to take courses in other engineering departments. Courses in other departments are not listed on this website; please see for courses in other departments.

Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ME 471 Finite Element Analysis Credit in AE 370 or ME 371 or TAM 470 Website
ME 496 Honors Project
Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ME 401 Refrigeration and Cryogenics Credit or concurrent registration in ME 320 Website
ME 403 Internal Combustion Engines Credit or concurrent registration in ABE 466 or ME 400 Website
ME 410 Intermediate Gas Dynamics Credit in AE 311 or ME 310 or TAM 335
ME 411 Viscous Flow & Heat Transfer Credit in AE 311 or ME 310 or TAM 335 Website
ME 420 Intermediate Heat Transfer Credit in ME 320 Website
ME 430 Failure of Engrg Materials Credit in ME 330
ME 445 Introduction to Robotics Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 286 or MATH 415 or MATH 418 Website
ME 451 Computer-Aided Mfg Systems Credit in ME 270 or TAM 270
ME 453 Data Sci in Mfg Quality Cntrl
ME 458 Add Mfg and Product Design
ME 461 Computer Cntrl of Mech Systems Credit in ABE 425 or ME 360
ME 462 Advanced Computer Control
ME 470 Senior Design Project
ME 471 Finite Element Analysis Credit in AE 370 or ME 371 or TAM 470
ME 482 Musculoskel Tissue Mechanics Credit in TAM 251
ME 487 MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication Credit in PHYS 212
ME 496 Honors Project
ME 498 Special Topics
ME 504 Multiphase Systems & Processes
ME 522 Thermal Radiation
ME 523 Nanoscale Energy Transport
ME 530 Fatigue Analysis
ME 540 Control System Theory & Design Website
ME 543 Applied Control System Design
ME 562 Robust Adaptive Control
ME 586 Mechanics of MEMS Website
ME 598 Special Topics
TAM 413 Fund of Engrg Acoustics Website
TAM 416 Intro to Nonlinear Dyn & Vib Website
TAM 424 Mechanics of Structural Metals Credit in CEE 300 or ME 330 or TAM 324
TAM 435 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
TAM 451 Intermediate Solid Mechanics Website
TAM 470 Computational Mechanics Credit in CS 101 or CS 125
Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 286 or MATH 441
TAM 529 Viscoelasticity Theory Website
TAM 531 Inviscid Flow Website
TAM 537 Experimental Fluid Mechanics
TAM 539 Fluid Mechanics Seminar
TAM 541 Mathematical Methods I
TAM 545 Advanced Continuum Mechanics Website
TAM 549 Asymptotic Methods Website
TAM 551 Solid Mechanics I
TAM 598 Mechanics of Solid Polymers
Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ME 400 Energy Conversion Systems Credit in ME 200 or ME 300
ME 404 Intermediate Thermodynamics Credit in ME 200 or ME 300
ME 410 Intermediate Gas Dynamics Credit in AE 311 or ME 310 or TAM 335
ME 412 Numerical Thermo-Fluid Mechs Credit in ME 320 Website
ME 445 Introduction to Robotics Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 286 or MATH 415 or MATH 418 Website
ME 446 Robot Dynamics and Control Credit in AE 353 or ME 340 or SE 320 Website
ME 452 Num Control of Mfg Processes Credit in CS 101
Credit in ME 270 or TAM 270
ME 455 Micromfg Process & Automation Credit in ME 270 or TAM 270 Website
ME 460 Industrial Control Systems Credit in ME 360 Website
ME 470 Senior Design Project
ME 471 Finite Element Analysis Credit in AE 370 or ME 371 or TAM 470
ME 481 Whole-Body Musculoskel Biomech Credit in TAM 212
Credit in TAM 251
ME 483 Mechanobiology Credit in CHEM 103
Credit in TAM 251
ME 487 MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication Credit in PHYS 212
ME 496 Honors Project
ME 498 Special Topics
ME 501 Combustion Fundamentals Website
ME 502 Thermal Systems Website
ME 503 Design of IC Engines Website
ME 510 Advanced Gas Dynamics
ME 520 Heat Conduction Website
ME 540 Control System Theory & Design Website
ME 546 Analysis of Nonlinear Systems Website
ME 598 Special Topics
ME 598 DM Intro to Digital Materials Website
TAM 412 Intermediate Dynamics Credit in TAM 212
Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 257 or MATH 415
Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 441
TAM 445 Continuum Mechanics Credit in TAM 251
TAM 514 Elastodynamics and Vibrations Website
TAM 524 Micromechanics of Materials
TAM 532 Viscous Flow
TAM 534 Non-Newt Fl Mech & Rheol
TAM 539 Fluid Mechanics Seminar
TAM 542 Mathematical Methods II Website
TAM 552 Solid Mechanics II
TAM 574 Adv Finite Element Methods
Number Title Prerequisites Web Site
ME 400 Energy Conversion Systems Credit in ME 200 or ME 300
ME 401 Refrigeration and Cryogenics Credit or concurrent registration in ME 320 Website
ME 402 Design of Thermal Systems
ME 403 Internal Combustion Engines Credit or concurrent registration in ABE 466 or ME 400 Website
ME 404 Intermediate Thermodynamics Credit in ME 200 or ME 300
ME 410 Intermediate Gas Dynamics Credit in AE 311 or ME 310 or TAM 335
ME 412 Numerical Thermo-Fluid Mechs Credit in ME 320 Website
ME 420 Intermediate Heat Transfer Credit in ME 320 Website
ME 430 Failure of Engrg Materials Credit in ME 330
ME 431 Mechanical Component Failure Credit in ME 330 or TAM 324
Credit in ME 371
ME 432 Fundamentals of Photovoltaics Credit in PHYS 212
Credit in CEE 300 or ME 330 or TAM 324
ME 440 Kinem & Dynamics of Mech Syst Credit in ME 370
ME 447 Comp Design & Dyn of Soft Syst
ME 451 Computer-Aided Mfg Systems Credit in ME 270 or TAM 270
ME 452 Num Control of Mfg Processes Credit in CS 101
Credit in ME 270 or TAM 270
ME 453 Data Sci in Mfg Quality Cntrl
ME 455 Micromfg Process & Automation Credit in ME 270 or TAM 270 Website
ME 458 Add Mfg and Product Design
ME 460 Industrial Control Systems Credit in ME 360 Website
ME 461 Computer Cntrl of Mech Systems Credit in ABE 425 or ME 360
ME 462 Advanced Computer Control
ME 470 Senior Design Project
ME 471 Finite Element Analysis Credit in AE 370 or ME 371 or TAM 470
ME 472 Introduction to Tribology Website
ME 475 Bioinspired Design Website
ME 481 Whole-Body Musculoskel Biomech Credit in TAM 212
Credit in TAM 251
ME 482 Musculoskel Tissue Mechanics Credit in TAM 251
ME 483 Mechanobiology Credit in CHEM 103
Credit in TAM 251
ME 487 MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication Credit in PHYS 212
ME 496 Honors Project
ME 498 Special Topics
ME 498 TL3 Special Topics Website
ME 498 TL4 Special Topics Website
ME 501 Combustion Fundamentals Website
ME 502 Thermal Systems Website
ME 503 Design of IC Engines Website
ME 504 Multiphase Systems & Processes
ME 510 Advanced Gas Dynamics
ME 512 Physicochemical Hydrodynamics Website
ME 520 Heat Conduction Website
ME 521 Convective Heat Transfer
ME 522 Thermal Radiation
ME 523 Nanoscale Energy Transport
ME 530 Fatigue Analysis
ME 531 Inelastic Design Methods
ME 543 Applied Control System Design
ME 561 Convex Methods in Control
ME 562 Robust Adaptive Control
ME 570 Nonlinear Solid Mech Design
ME 586 Mechanics of MEMS Website
ME 598 Special Topics
ME 598 AV1 Special Topics Website
ME 598 AV2 Special Topics Website
ME 598 AWJ Special Topics Website
ME 598 DFS Special Topics
ME 598 DM Special Topics Website
ME 598 KNC Special Topics
TAM 412 Intermediate Dynamics Credit in TAM 212
Credit in MATH 225 or MATH 257 or MATH 415
Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 441
TAM 416 Intro to Nonlinear Dyn & Vib Website
TAM 424 Mechanics of Structural Metals Credit in CEE 300 or ME 330 or TAM 324
TAM 435 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
TAM 445 Continuum Mechanics Credit in TAM 251
TAM 451 Intermediate Solid Mechanics Website
TAM 456 Experimental Stress Analysis
TAM 461 Cellular Biomechanics Website
TAM 470 Computational Mechanics Credit in CS 101 or CS 125
Credit in MATH 285 or MATH 286 or MATH 441
TAM 514 Elastodynamics and Vibrations Website
TAM 518 Wave Motion
TAM 524 Micromechanics of Materials
TAM 531 Inviscid Flow Website
TAM 532 Viscous Flow
TAM 534 Non-Newt Fl Mech & Rheol
TAM 536 Instability and Transition Website
TAM 537 Experimental Fluid Mechanics
TAM 538 Turbulence
TAM 539 Fluid Mechanics Seminar
TAM 541 Mathematical Methods I
TAM 542 Mathematical Methods II Website
TAM 545 Advanced Continuum Mechanics Website
TAM 549 Asymptotic Methods Website
TAM 551 Solid Mechanics I
TAM 552 Solid Mechanics II
TAM 554 Plasticity
TAM 555 Fracture Mechanics
TAM 557 Mechanics of Random Media
TAM 559 Atomistic Solid Mechanics
TAM 561 Mechanics & Thermo of Soft Mat Website
TAM 570 Computational Fluid Mechanics
TAM 574 Adv Finite Element Methods
TAM 598 Advanced Special Topics
TAM 598 SH Advanced Special Topics Website