Design & Mechanics Track
Design & Mechanics Recommended Core Courses
Highly recommended:
ME 402. Design of Thermal Systems
ME 420. Intermediate Heat Transfer
ME 430. Failure of Engineering Material
ME 458. Additive Manufacturing and Product Design
ME 471. Finite Element Analysis
ME 487. MEMS-NEMS Theory & Fabrication
ME 543. Applied Control System Design
ME 598. Electronics Cooling
ME 598 Applied Heat Transfer
ME 598. Applied Structural & Computational Mechanics
TAM 435. Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
ME 403. Internal Combustion Engines
ME 447. Computational Design & Dynamics of Soft Systems
ME 472. Introduction to Tribology
ME 510. Advanced Gas Dynamics
ME 530. Fatigue Analysis
ME 531. Inelastic Design Methods
ME 540. Control System Theory & Design
ME 586. Mechanics of MEMS
TAM 412. Intermediate Dynamics
TAM 413. Fund of Engineering Acoustics
TAM 416. Intro to Nonlinear Dynamics & Vibrations
TAM 424. Mechanics of Structural Metals
TAM 428. Mechanics of Composites
TAM 445. Continuum Mechanics
TAM 451. Intermediate Solid Mechanics
TAM 456. Experimental Stress Analysis
TAM 470. Computational Mechanics
Courses offered online:
ME 420. Intermediate Heat Transfer
ME 510. Advanced Gas Dynamics
ME 543. Applied Control System Design & Analysis
ME 598 Electronics Cooling
ME 598 Applied Heat Transfer
TAM 435. Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
TAM 514. Elastodynamics and Vibrations
TAM 518. Wave Motion
Detailed course offerings can be found using the University of Illinois Course Explorer. Online course catalog is available here. Additional ME 598 Special Topics classes are offered on a regular basis. These fluctuate in availability from semester to semester. Please check back frequently for updates.
Questions? We're here to help!
Susan Roughton
M.Eng.ME Program Coordinator or
Professor Quinn Brewster
M.Eng.ME Program Director or