Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? 

Can I transfer credits to the Master of Engineering program?

Yes, M.Eng.ME students may request a transfer of credits through a Graduate College Petition process. Each request is reviewed on an individual basis by the M.Eng.ME Faculty Director, Academic Advisor, and the Graduate College and must meet specific criteria in order to be approved for transfer.  For further information about transferring credit, please review the Graduate College Handbook (page 26), and consult with your M.Eng.ME Program Coordinator.

Strong candidates for this program must demonstrate a high level of proficiency in prerequisite coursework. Most students in the program have an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, other engineering discipline, and/or a strong academic background in Math and Physics. All elements of the application are considered, from undergraduate coursework to an applicant's professional experience.

My background is not in mechanical engineering. Can I still apply to this program?

Strong candidates for this program must demonstrate a high level of proficiency in prerequisite coursework. Most students in the program have an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering, other engineering discipline, and/or a strong academic background in Math and Physics. All elements of the application are considered, from undergraduate coursework to an applicant's professional experience.

Can I apply to the Master of Engineering program and later transfer to the Master of Science program?

No. Admission or enrollment in the Master of Engineering (M.Eng.ME) program is not transferable to our department’s Master of Science (MS) programs. Students who would like to be considered for our Master of Science program, must apply to and be accepted into that program. The programs differ from one another in that the M.Eng.ME is a shorter program which emphasizes preparation for a career in industry. The M.Eng.ME curriculum has a professional development component and does not require a research component. The MS is typically a longer program that is research-oriented and does not have a professional development requirement.

Can I pursue a PhD at MechSE after the Master of Engineering degree?

The short answer is yes. The longer answer: During an M.Eng.ME student's final semester in the program, most of our students are thinking about their next steps. Most are seeking employment and applying for industry jobs, while some may be applying  to continue their education, including in our department's PhD program. Students in our M.Eng.ME program are not eligible to do an MS in our department because this is considered a duplicate degree. However they may apply to and be considered for our PhD program as well as PhD programs in other departments or universities. Further, some students will cast as wide a net as possible and will apply to both PhD programs and to employment opportunities.  

After enrollment in the program, is there a minimum GPA I must maintain?

Yes. All students enrolled in the M.Eng.ME program are required to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or higher. 

3.0/4.0 scale is the minimum GPA for eligible applicants. For a full list of Application Requirements, click here.

What are tuition and fees for the program?

The M.Eng.ME is a self-funded program for which students are responsible for paying their tuition and fees. Students in this program are not eligible for Board of Trustee (BOT) tuition-waiver-generating assistantships at the University of Illinois.

To learn more about the tuition and fee costs for this program and payment options, please visit the links below. For on campus students, tuition rates will vary depending on whether they are an Illinois resident, out of state resident, or international resident. For online students, all students are charged the same rate.

When is tuition due and how do I pay my bill?

Tuition is due by September 28 (for Fall term) and February 28 (for Spring term). More Information about paying your bill, deadlines, and payment options can be found here.
















Are international students eligible for CPT and OPT?

Yes, international students are eligible for CPT and OPT. For an overview, please thoroughly review the ISSS homepage. This program is considered a STEM program and therefore, students are eligible for a STEM extension on their OPT. Please note, the M.Eng.ME on-campus advisor serves in the role of department contact for any necessary approvals for CPT, OPT, program extensions, reduced course loads, and other requests. 

How long do I have to complete my degree?

On-campus students typically have a maximum of 3 semesters to complete their degree. Extensions may be considered on a case-by-case basis as needed with the on-campus academic advisor. Course planning with an academic advisor will help each student with their individualized academic plan. Students enrolled in the online program typically study part-time while working full-time and therefore have up to 5 years to complete the program. If an online student needs an extension beyond 5 years they may request an extension through the Graduate College petition process.

I will be an on-campus student. May I hold a Research Assistantship (RA) or Teaching Assistantship (TA) while in the M.Eng.ME program?  What about scholarships?

Students in the M.Eng.ME program may not hold an RA or TA position, as they are ineligible for Board of Trustee (BOT) tuition-waiver-generating assistantships at the University of Illinois. The department does not offer scholarships or fellowships for M.Eng.ME students; however, students are welcome to apply for external fellowships or scholarships. In addition, M.Eng.ME students are eligible for hourly work on campus. Students may learn about on campus job opportunities on the virtual job board. Another good job source is the Research Park Virtual Job BoardEngineering Career Services is a center devoted to assisting Grainger Engineering students with their career development. We highly recommend students utilize this valuable resource as much as possible. 

I am a new student. How do I set up my netID, University email, and register for classes?

Please refer to the Graduate College's Quick Guide for information on essential first steps!

Some courses offer several sections. How do I know which section is right for me?

You will find information about each class on Course Explorer. This information describes the type of class (i.e., online, Lecture-Discussion, Lab), who can take the class (under Restrictions), prerequisite coursework, and Section Type. Under "Type," it should describe if a class is online or in person (Lecture-Discussion). Further, some classes are offered online and may have sections that are designated only for online students, while other sections may be for on-campus students. An example of this is TE 460. Looking at CRN 56934, one can see that this is an in-person synchronous class because there is a meeting time and class location. CRN 69707 is an online class and section letters ONC mean that it is designated for on-campus students, while CRN 60408 is an online section, and section letters ONL mean that it is restricted to online students. Students will receive an error message if they try to register for the wrong section. Please contact your program advisor at if you are having registration problems. 

Is it possible for me to defer my admission?

Admitted students may defer admission for up to one calendar year. For example, if you have been admitted for Fall 2025 and are unable to attend during that semester, you may make a request to defer to Spring 2026 or Fall 2026. To defer admission, please go to your Application portal and you will have the option of electing to defer your admission to a future term. Please select the term to which you would like to be enrolled. You must also email the M.Eng.ME program advisors ( to notify them of your decision to defer.

Questions? We're here to help! 

Susan RoughtonSusan Roughton
M.Eng.ME Program Coordinator or 

Quinn BrewsterProfessor Quinn Brewster
M.Eng.ME Program Director or