Student Organizations

Student organizations provide members with a variety of opportunities for social and professional development. Organizations build camaraderie among current students in MechSE and offer them a venue for networking with engineering students on other campuses. Because the student organizations are affiliated with national engineering associations, they also present an important opportunity to connect with professional engineers in a variety of employment settings. For the professional engineer, student organizations furnish an ideal setting for interacting with a committed group of students, in many cases students who share a disciplinary focus.

MechSE students are active in a number of extracurricular, honorary and professional societies:

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

Engineering Council

Engineering Student Alumni Ambassadors

Engineers Without Borders


National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

Pi Tau Sigma

Society for Engineering Mechanics

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

Tau Beta Pi

Car Teams:

There are a number of ways in which corporate partners may become involved with a student organization:

  • by sending a representative to speak at organization meetings;
  • by hosting plant visits for organization members;
  • by sponsoring projects for events such as Engineering Open House, Formula SAE and others

Opportunities may vary from organization to organization. Links to each engineering association's local chapter can be found on Engineering Council’s list of member societies. For more information about student chapters and their current officers, please email