MechSE MakerWorks - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our maker spaces have infinite potential. Such energy generates great questions about access, training, costs, giving, holding events, sponsoring educational workshops for elementary, middle, and high school students, and many, many other great questions! See below for questions related to each space. If you have any other questions not yet listed below or in the MechSE MakerWorks Club Guidelines & Policies, please send an email to MechSE MakerWorks' general email ( or Faculty Supervisor Kyle Cheek (

Are all students welcome to use the MakerWorks studios?
The Jackson Innovation Studio in MechSE MakerWorks supports primarily mechanical engineering courses. However, studio doors remain open to all employees and students at Illinois to accelerate innovation across our amazing campus! Please note the Wood Maker Studio is only available to trained volunteers and students in MechSE design classes for the moment.

Can you help me to design and make? 

Ask a MechSE MakerWorks Club volunteer for assistance, as they may be able to! However, our goal is that each user is enabled to learn design and how to make. Volunteers are available during general admission hours and are happy to help.

I'm not an engineering student, can I volunteer for the MakerWorks Club?
MechSE MakerWorks Club needs all types of skills to excel, including business, event planning, and outreach. No technical experience is required, and you will be taught everything you need to know and more as a volunteer. Please note only undergraduate UIUC students are permitted to join MakerWorks. If you think you can help promote and inspire our club and making, please join the Slack and see the #new-volunteers channel to sign up to be trained with Education Director!

How can I personally or my company participate in MechSE MakerWorks?
We love this question! There are many ways to participate and help our students excel in the global marketplace. We can always use: an expert maker to visit and share ideas and methods or conduct a cool workshop, spare materials that students can use to learn or build their projects, donated hand and power tools, and industry allies. Please contact Alec Verone ( and/or Kyle Cheek ( to explore options that will serve as a win-win for everyone!

How do I gain 24/7 access to the studio to have more time to print parts?

Join the MechSE MakerWorks Club as a volunteer! Volunteers who assist in the upkeep and teaching peers on the use of the equipment within the studios are given 24/7 access to the studio and a semesterly budget for studio purchases.

 What do I pay to access the studio's equipment or to print an idea on a 3D printer?

Please visit our Jackson Innovation Studio webpage to learn more about material purchases and equipment usage! Mechanical Engineering Design Class students should have an allocated budget to make purchases in the studio.

How do I receive training on the use of studio equipment?
Ask a MechSE MakerWorks Club volunteer for assistance. They are available during general admission hours and are happy to share. Please note you will still need a volunteer's assistance when operating the 3D printers to ensure fair and proper usage.

Can I rent the studio for an event for my RSO or company?
For RSOs, please see our Jackson Innovation Studio webpage and find our studio rental request form to learn more. For companies or external groups to the university, please reach out to the Club Advisor Kyle Cheek ( and/or
Studio equipment is not operating properly, who do I contact?

Ask a MechSE MakerWorks Club volunteer for assistance. They are available during general admission hours and are happy to help. If you have any particular questions about studio equipment in the Jackson Innovation Studio, please contact

How do I gain 24/7 access to the studio to have more time to work on projects?                                                         Join the MechSE MakerWorks Club as a volunteer! Active volunteers who assist in the upkeep and teaching peers on the use of the equipment within the studios are given 24/7 access to the Wood Maker Studio after being trained on all equipment.

How do I receive training on the use, maintenance, and troubleshooting on studio equipment?

Equipment training for GRIT card access in the Wood Maker Studio is restricted to active MakerWorks volunteers, but for any general inquiries/educational resource, please contact, and we'd be happy to share! 

Studio equipment is not operating properly, who do I contact?

Ask a MechSE MakerWorks Club volunteer for assistance. They are available during general admission hours and are happy to help. If you have any particular questions about studio equipment, please contact

Do you sell typical materials needed?

We currently sell plywood and framing lumber; check out our catalog to see if there is any hardware/material that may be of use. We currently limit the use of wood to be laser cut in the Jackson Innovation Studio due to safety concerns; please reach out to if you are interested in laser cutting wood. 

How do I receive training on the use, maintenance, and troubleshooting on studio equipment?

Equipment in this space is inherently more dangerous to you and requires significant training (like found at a Community College) in its use before any permissions are extended. As of today,  training in this space is handled via the Grainger College of Engineering's Engineering Student Design Center (ESDC) and conducted by Mr. Mark Pinson. To sign up for training, the requirement is to first  join a registered student organization that uses ESDC for project building and requires the need for machining experience, and then second request training via the team. 

How do I gain 24/7 access to the studio to have more time to make parts?

This option is NOT available at this time.

How do I gain general admission access to the studio?

If you have passed the training requirements of the ESDC respective of individual machining equipment, request permission from Mark Pinson for access to the studio during general admission hours. If approved, your name will be submitted to MechSE for consideration and an interview may be scheduled to verify your skills and your dedication to our shared values. Upon approval by MechSE, you will be granted access during general admission hours. Continued access is directly affected by your actions to build trust and earn the respect of professionals in the workplace.

Can I schedule use of particular equipment during general admission or is it first come first serve?

As we are just beginning this shared space approach, we will proceed with first come first serve. We will continue to monitor demand and provide further guidance in the future. Always interested in seeing how we can efficiently use university resources.

Studio equipment is not operating properly, who do I contact?

Please speak with Mark Pinson during training sessions, or with a machinist in the studio if during general admission hours.

How are you helping me be safe while using such amazing machines?

We work with campus safety professionals to ensure a safe working environment. We also chose specifically heavy machinery with built-in safety mechanisms to reduce potential risks. We'll train you on the safest use of each machine before ever letting you operate it. Finally, we continually evaluate each person so that all of us share our five values and live by them to promote a safe environment.

What kind of metals can I machine?

Our current equipment can machine any metal you bring to the shop. Of course, let's make sure the specific tooling you use can do the job. Speak with Mark Pinson during training sessions, or with a machinist in the studio if during general admission hours about proper tooling.