About Us

MechSE Administration

Tony Jacobi

Anthony M. Jacobi
Department Head; Richard W. Kritzer Distinguished Professor

Sanjiv Sinha

Sanjiv Sinha
Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs; Professor

Elif Ertekin

Elif Ertekin
Associate Head for Graduate Programs and Research; Director of Mechanics Programs; Associate Professor; Andersen Faculty Scholar 

Quinn Brewster

M. Quinn Brewster
Director of M.Eng.ME Program; Hermia G. Soo Professor

More About MechSE

First referenced as Mechanical Science and Engineering in 1870, the department has long been a leader in research and education. After a few reorganizations through the decades, mechanical engineering combined with theoretical and applied mechanics in 2006 to create the current MechSE department. This combination of science and engineering provides a uniquely excellent education for the department’s students.

The MechSE Department offers top-ranked degree programs in engineering mechanics, mechanical engineering, and theoretical and applied mechanics. Our curricula offer students unparalleled strengths in key fundamental areas, such as fluid and solid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer, dynamics and controls, biomechanical sciences, computational science, applied math, applied physics, and chemistry. MechSE integrates basic sciences and engineering to address the critical societal needs of today and to identify and respond to emerging needs and issues. MechSE faculty members are deeply involved in emerging and high-profile research areas such as energy, big data, digital manufacturing, and bioengineering. MechSE has a vibrant research-focused program, operating at about $35M/year.

The department has more than 14,000 living alumni, 60+ full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members, and more than 40 staff. The degrees offered are BS, MS, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering (ME); BS in Engineering Mechanics (EM); MS and PhD in Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (TAM); and M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering (M.Eng.ME). The department has about 1,600 students (1,200+ undergraduates and 400+ graduate students).

MechSE undergraduates begin the design-based education their first semester, take advantage of the interface between curricular and extra-curricular activities, and experience a strong laboratory component in their education. MechSE graduate students contribute an annual average of 200 refereed journal articles with their MechSE faculty advisors, and present even more papers at conferences around the world. One in four (25%) recent PhD graduates go on to tenure-track positions. Other graduates earn exciting opportunities in industry, at national labs, and as postdocs.

The department's two primary facilities, Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Building and Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, contain thousands of square feet of student maker spaces within MechSE MakerWorks, as well as state-of-the-art classrooms, team project huddle rooms, a staff-run machine shop, MNMS cleanroom, a large student center that includes a Starbucks, renowned faculty research labs, and much more. In addition, our faculty members have offices and laboratories at the Beckman Institute, Coordinated Science Laboratory, Nick Holonyak Micro and Nano Technology Laboratory, Talbot Laboratory, Digital Computer Lab, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, and others. 

The MechSE Department is also home to several research center directors among its faculty.


Tenured/tenure-track and
specialized teaching faculty


Undergraduate Students


Graduate Students