
Mechanical engineering has traditionally dealt with objects and systems at macroscopic length scales. As system size has decreased to the nanoscale, the research efforts in the MechSE Department have focused on phenomena at surfaces and length scales that have traditionally been the domain of physics and chemistry. At the same time, mechanical engineers use a systems approach to develop new ideas and products that are far-reaching in order to meet societal needs.  Research at MechSE, therefore, is pivotal, creating opportunities at the intersection of science and engineering.

Research Centers

Our interdisciplinary, science-based approach brings MechSE engineers into contact with researchers across the Illinois campus and at other research institutions. 

Explore our Research Centers

Research Laboratories

MechSE's research laboratories offer testing facilities for industrial and academic partners seeking state-of-the-art facilities as well as faculty research laboratories focusing on independent research.

Explore our Labs

Research at MechSE is pivotal, creating opportunities at the intersection of science and engineering. 

To have the greatest impact on the world around us, MechSE faculty have aligned their research efforts with societal needs. They are engaged in six significant areas that impact society as a whole: Energy; Environment; Health and Bio; Manufacturing; Security and Defense; and Transportation.

Each area requires substantial collaboration, either among fundamental areas within engineering, or with other disciplines such as chemistry, physics, biology, or medicine. These collaborative efforts have the potential to shorten the timeline from scientific discovery to solutions that address ongoing and ever-changing global concerns.