Initiate a Project

Find the talent you seek and address a mechanical design challenge you are facing in an effective, affordable, and meaningful way.

The project will require someone in your company to dedicate a few hours per week to meet with the student team and provide continued direction to meet the company's interests. The project should take four students each roughly 10 hours/week over the course of one semester (3.5 months) to complete, though year-long projects can be reviewed independently as requested.

The best Senior Capstone Design projects consist of energy and sustainability challenges or mechanical design challenges and prototypes - not just analysis - and are important to you. This could mean a new user interface, product design, a product/component redesign, a manufacturing/process/thermal systems design, or another vital aspect that involves mechanical design.

Ideal projects contain multiple design constraints to challenge our students, such as: economic, regulations, manufacturability, environmental, space, health, safety, sustainability, ergonomics, and cultural.


Sponsor a project as part of our 
Industry Allies Program


Sponsor a Senior Capstone Design Project independently

Contact Steve Zahos,