ME 470

ME 470 - Senior Design Project

Fall 2025

Senior Design ProjectME470AL136716LEC30800 - 0950 T  2035 Campus Instructional Facility Blake Everett Johnson
Senior Design ProjectME470AY136723LBD00800 - 0950 T R  3100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Senior Design ProjectME470AY236731LBD00800 - 0950 T R  3101 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Senior Design ProjectME470AY336740LBD00800 - 0950 T R  4100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 

Official Description

Solution of a real-world design problem: development, evaluation, and recommendation of alternative solutions subject to realistic constraints that include most of the following considerations: economics, environment, sustainability, manufacturability, ethics, health and safety, society, and politics. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. No graduate credit. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in no more than two required ME courses; completion of all required courses for ME students. Concurrent enrollment in no more than two required TAM courses; completion of all required courses for EM students. Departmental approval required. Restricted to students in the Mechanical Sci & Engineering department. Restricted to students with Senior class standing. Class Schedule Information: Must register for one Lecture and one Laboratory-Discussion section. Students will receive a TIME CONFLICT AND AN APPROVAL ERROR when registering for this course. To receive the necessary overrides to regist

Detailed Course Description

Solution of a real-world design problem; development, evaluation, and recommendation of alternative solutions subject to realistic constraints that include most of the following considerations: economics, environment, sustainability, manufacturability, ethics, health and safety, society, and politics. Prerequisite: Senior standing in Mechanical Engineering; completion of or concurrent enrollment in all required courses; completion of campus Composition I general education requirement. 3 undergraduate hours.

Login to the ME 470 course project page.

TEXTBOOK: No textbook required. Handouts are provided as needed by specific projects, and a literature survey of appropriate materials is typically required as part of the project effort. Logbook is required (10 3/8 x 8 3/8, numbered, lined pages, green tint pages, 150 pages per logbook; approx cost $10.00).


No new topics are presented. Students are expected, however, to apply as many prerequisite topics as seen relevant to the mechanical engineering problem that has been defined. Project teams work on the project during the length of a semester. Projects may involve evaluation of a manufacturing process, development of a new product or production process, testing of product characteristics, analysis of material behavior, simulation of in-field product performance, or optimization of system performance. The sequence of discussion topics follows the phases of a project life cycle as the project evolves. Project phases include:

1. Project review and selection

2. Problem statement and project objectives

3. Data collection

4. Model building and verification

5. Analysis

6. Recommendations and conclusions

7. Implementation and test

8. Final presentation of design

Each project requires submission of proposal, schedule, status reports, and a final presentation. Written and verbal presentations are required.

ME: Required.

EM: Suitable for senior design elective; ABE 469, others also acceptable.

Last updated
