ME 451

ME 451 - Computer-Aided Mfg Systems

Fall 2025

Computer-Aided Mfg SystemsME451GR56569LCD31400 - 1520 T R  106B1 Engineering Hall Jorge Correa Panesso
Computer-Aided Mfg SystemsME451ONL79797ONL4 -    Jorge Correa Panesso
Computer-Aided Mfg SystemsME451UG356092LCD31400 - 1520 T R  106B1 Engineering Hall Jorge Correa Panesso
Computer-Aided Mfg SystemsME451ZJU76281LCD31400 - 1520 T R  106B1 Engineering Hall Jorge Correa Panesso

Official Description

The application of computer technology and operations research to manufacturing systems. Use of microprocessors for direct numeric control of machine tools, adaptive control and optimization, and integrated manufacturing systems. Applications of industrial robots. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: ME 270.

Detailed Course Description

The application of computer technology and operations research to manufacturing systems. Use of microprocessors for direct numeric control of machine tools, adaptive control and optimization, and integrated manufacturing systems. Applications of industrial robots. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: ME 270.


1. Introduction
2. Geometric Modeling- Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Surface Modeling, Parametric Design ( hands-on labs on ProE and Promanufacture)
3. Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems – Numerical Control (NC) Systems, Kinematics of NC machines, NC Controllers, Sensors and Actuators, NC Path Programming ( lab on machining)
4. Computer-Aided Process Planning- Optimal Process Plans using a Cost Model, Workholding principles ( lab on machining simulation and process planning)
5. Inspection and Measurement – Metrology, Geometric Tolerancing ( labs on CMM and metrology)
6. Lean Manufacturing systems and Just-in-Time Philosophy – Improving product Flow and Eliminating Waste strategies, Quality Engineering, Design of Experiments for process Optimization ( Labs on Quality engineering)
7. System assembly: Classification and coding schemes; Assembly system design: case study-micro-bearing assembly
8. Robotics –Configurations, Kinematics and Applications ( lab on robotics)

ME: MechSE or technical elective.

EM: Possible secondary field, with approval.

Last updated
