Arne J Pearlstein
For More Information
- Ph.D. Engineering UCLA 1983
- Engineer UCLA 1979
- B.S. Engineering UCLA 1977
- M.S. Engineering UCLA 1977
Academic Positions
- Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, 2006-date
- Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 2000-2006
- Faculty Fellow, Department of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, UIUC, 1999-2006
- Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 1989-2000
- Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Arizona, 1983-89
- Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arizona, 1986-89
- Member, Program in Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona, 1986-89
Research Statement
Professor Pearlstein conducts computational and analytical studies of incompressible flow, with applications to materials processing-including directional solidification of alloys and electronic materials, electrodeposition and electrophoresis-and other mass transfer processes. He also investigates hydrodynamic stability vortex shedding and chemically reacting systems. He is currently working to develop proper orthogonal decomposition models of dynamic flight maneuvering using virtual control surfaces generated by trapped vorticity.
Professor Pearlstein discovered multi-valued stability boundaries in hydrodynamic stability problems, showed that they were associated with closed neutral curves, and physically explained their origin. He also developed a theoretical/computational approach for predicting nonuniform molecular weight distributions in materials produced by free-radical photopolymerization, accounting for propagation and termination kinetics, monomer diffusion and nonuniform light absorption.
Research Areas
- Chemistry
- Computation and Applied Math
- Energy
- Environment
- Fluid Mechanics
- Health and Bio
- Security and Defense
Selected Articles in Journals
- Liu, J., A. J. Pearlstein, and H. Feng, "Effects of Operating Parameters on Single-Stage Ultrasonic Separation of Ethanol from Its Aqueous Solutions," Separation and Purification Technology, 353 Part A, Article Number 128179, 2025 (12 pages).
- Gu, T., Y. Luo, Z. Jia, A. Meesrisom, S. Lin, I. J. Ventresca, S. J. Brooks, A., Sharma, S. Sriram, M. Yang, A. J. Pearlstein, P. D. Millner, K. R. Schneider, and B. Zhang, "Surface Topography and Chemistry of Food Contact Substances, and Microbial Nutrition Affect Pathogen Persistence and Symbiosis in Cocktail Listeria monocytogenes Biofilms," Food Control, 161, Article Number 110391, 2024 (10 pages).
- Jia, Z., Y. Luo, D. Wang, E. Holliday, A. Sharma, M. M. Green, K. Thompson-Wittrick, G. Flock, A. J. Pearlstein, H. Yu, and B. Zhang, "Surveillance of Pathogenic Bacteria on a Food Matrix using Machine-Learning-Enabled Paper Chromogenic Arrays," Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 248, Article Number 115999, 2024 (12 pages).
- Liu, J., A. J. Pearlstein, and H. Feng, "Ultrasonic Separation in Bioethanol Refining," Chemical Engineering Progress (AIChE), 119 (3), 24-30, 2023
- Caraway, B. D., and A. J. Pearlstein, "Temporally Quasi-periodic Data, Propagating in the Laboratory Frame, Can be Rendered Periodic by Galilean Transformation," Physical Review E, 102, Article Number 024607, 2022 (12 pages).
- Ding, K., and A. J. Pearlstein, "Free Response of a Rotational Nonlinear Energy Sink Coupled to a Linear Oscillator: Fractality, Riddling, and Initial-Condition Sensitivity at Large Initial Displacements," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 89, Article Number 061001, 2022 (23 pages).
- Jha, S., A. Glezer, M. J. Realff, M. E. Blaine, J. Mai, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Heat Transfer Enhancement in Fin Channels Using Aeroelastically Fluttering Reeds," Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 4, Article Number e10110, 2022 (20 pages).
- Ding, K., and A. J. Pearlstein, "Free Response of a Rotational Nonlinear Energy Sink Coupled to a Linear Oscillator: Fractality, Riddling, and Initial-Condition Sensitivity at Intermediate Initial Displacements," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 88, Article Number 121009, 2021 (17 pages).
- Gu, T., A. Meesrisom, Y. Luo, Q. N. Dinh, S. Lin, M. Yang, A. Sharma, R. Tang, J. Zhang, Z. Jia, P. D. Millner, A. J. Pearlstein, and B. Zhang, "Listeria monocytogenes biofilm formation as affected by stainless steel surface topography and coating composition," Food Control, 130, Article Number 108275, 2021 (11 pages).
- Jia, Z., Y. Luo, D. Wang, Q. N. Dinh, S. Lin, A. Sharma, E. M. Block, M. Yang, A. J. Pearlstein, H. Yu, and B. Zhang, "Nondestructive Multiplex Detection of Foodborne Pathogens with Background Microflora and Symbiosis Using a Paper Chromogenic Array and Advanced Neural Network", Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 183, Article Number 113209 (11 pages), 2021.
- Yang, M., X. Liu, Y. Luo, A. J. Pearlstein, S. Wang, H. Dillow, K. Reed, Z. Jia, A. Sharma, B. Zhou, D. Pearlstein, H. Yu, and B. Zhang, "Machine Learning Enabled Non-Destructive Paper Chromogenic Array Detection of Multiplexed Viable Pathogens on Food," Nature Food, 2, 110-117, 2021
- Ding, K., and A. J. Pearlstein, "Free Response of a Rotational Nonlinear Energy Sink: Complete Dissipation of Initial Energy for Small Initial Rectilinear Displacements," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 88, Article Number 011005, 2021 (14 pages).
- Zhou, B., Y. Luo, Z. Teng, D. Pearlstein, P. D. Millner, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Assessment of a Novel In-flight Washing Device: Microbial Reduction and Food Quality of Chopped Iceberg Lettuce during Storage," Food Control, 120, Article Number 107538, 2021 (7 pages).
- Min, D., P. F. Fischer, and A. J. Pearlstein, "High Schmidt Number 'Washout' of a Soluble Contaminant Downstream of a Backward-Facing Step," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 159, Article Number 119740, 2020 (22 pages).
- Blanchard, A. B. and A. J. Pearlstein, "On-off Switching of Vortex Shedding and Vortex-Induced Vibration in Cross-Flow past a Circular Cylinder by Locking or Releasing a Rotational Nonlinear Energy Sink," Physical Review Fluids, 5, Article Number 023902, 2020 (12 pages).
- Blanchard, A. B., L. A. Bergman, A. F. Vakakis, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Coexistence of Multiple Long-Time Solutions for Two-Dimensional Laminar Flow past a Linearly-Sprung Circular Cylinder with a Rotational Nonlinear Energy Sink," Physical Review Fluids, 4, Article Number 054401, 2019 (28 pages).
- Tumkur, R. K. R., A. J. Pearlstein, A. Masud, O. V. Gendelman, A. B. Blanchard, L. A. Bergman, and A. F. Vakakis, "Effect of an Internal Nonlinear Rotational Dissipative Element on Vortex Shedding and Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Sprung Circular Cylinder," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 828, 196-235, 2017.
- Cadillon, J. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Sequential Preparation of Series of Ternary Solutions," Journal of Solution Chemistry, 46, 505-519, 2017.
- Cadillon, J., R. Saksena, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Transparent, Immiscible, Surrogate Liquids with Matchable Refractive Indexes: Increased Range of Density and Viscosity Ratios," Physics of Fluids, 28, Article No. 127102 (11 pp.), 2016.
- Saksena, R., K. T. Christensen, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Surrogate Immiscible Liquid Pairs with Refractive Indexes Matchable Over a Wide Range of Density and Viscosity Ratios," Physics of Fluids, 27, Article No. 087103 (21 pp), 2015.
- Zhang, B., Y. Luo, A. J. Pearlstein, J. Aplin, Y. Liu, G. R. Bauchan, G. F. Payne, Q. Wang, X. Nou, and P. D. Millner, "Fabrication of Biomimetically-Patterned Surfaces and Their Application to Probing Plant-Bacteria Interactions," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6, 12467-12478, 2014.
- Salgado, S. P., A. J. Pearlstein, Y. Luo, H. K. Park, and H. Feng, "Whole-head Washing, prior to Cutting, Provides Sanitization Advantages for Fresh-cut Iceberg Lettuce (Latuca sativa L.)," International Journal of Food Microbiology, 179, 18-23, 2014.
- Salgado, S. P., A. J. Pearlstein, Y. Luo, and H. Feng, "Quality of Iceberg (Lactuca sativa L.) and Romaine (L. sativa L. var. longifolial) Lettuce Treated by Combinations of Sanitizer, Surfactant, and Ultrasound," LWT - Food Science and Technology, 56, 261-268, 2014.
- Tumkur, R. K. R., R. Calderer, L. A. Bergman, A. Masud, A. J. Pearlstein, and A. F. Vakakis, "Computational Study of Vortex-induced Vibration of a Sprung Rigid Circular Cylinder with a Strongly Nonlinear Internal Attachment," Journal of Fluids and Structures, 40, 214-232, 2013.
- Zhou, B., H. Feng, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Continuous-flow Ultrasonic Washing System for Fresh Produce Surface Decontamination," Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 16, 427-435, 2012.
- Annunziata, O., L. Paduano, A. J. Pearlstein, D. G. Miller, and J. G. Albright, �The Effect of Salt on Protein Chemical Potential Determined by Ternary Diffusion,� Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 1405-1415, 2006.
- Cotrell, D. L. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Linear Stability of Spiral and Annular Poiseuille Flow for Small Radius Ratio,� Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 547, 1-20, 2006.
- Cotrell, D. L., S. L. Rani, and A. J. Pearlstein, �Computational Assessment of Subcritical and Delayed Onset in Spiral Poiseuille Flow Experiments,� Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 509, 353-378, 2004.
- Cotrell, D. L. and A. J. Pearlstein, �The Connection between Centrifugal Instability and Tollmien-Schlichting-like Instability for Spiral Poiseuille Flow,� Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 509, 331-351, 2004.
- Terrones, G. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Diffusion-Induced Nonuniformity of Photoinitiation in a Photobleaching Medium,� Macromolecules, 37, 1565-1575, 2004.
- Terrones, G. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Nonuniformity of Chain-Length Distributions in Photopolymerized Layers,� Macromolecules, 36, 6346-6358, 2003.
- Zhao, H. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Stokes-Flow Computation of the Diffusion Coefficient and Rotational Diffusion Tensor of Lysozyme, a Globular Protein,� Physics of Fluids, 14, 2376-2387, 2002.
- Gao, H., A. Scheeline, and A. J. Pearlstein, �Spatially Controlled Microstructural Variation Using a Free-Surface Flow Driven by a Rotating Cylinder Electrode,� Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 149, B248-B255, 2002.
- Zhang, S., K. J. Hsia, and A. J. Pearlstein, �Potential Flow Model of Cavitation-induced Interfacial Fracture in a Confined Ductile Layer,� Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 50, 549-569, 2002.
- Lee, H. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Effect of Steady Ampoule Rotation on Radial Dopant Segregation in Vertical Bridgman Growth of GaSe,� Journal of Crystal Growth, 240, 581-602, 2002.
- Terrones, G. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Effects of Kinetics and Optical Attenuation on the Completeness, Uniformity, and Dynamics of Monomer Conversion in Free-Radical Photopolymerizations,� Macromolecules, 34, 8894-8906, 2001.
- Lee, H. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Interface Shape and Thermally-Driven Convection in Vertical Bridgman Growth of Gallium Selenide: A Semiconductor with Anisotropic Solid-Phase Thermal Conductivity,� Journal of Heat Transfer, 123, 729-740, 2001.
- Terrones, G. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Effects of Optical Attenuation and Consumption of a Photobleaching Initiator on Local Initiation Rates in Photopolymerizations,� Macromolecules, 34, 3195-3204, 2001.
- Paduano, L., O. Annunziata, A. J. Pearlstein, D. G. Miller, and J. G. Albright, �Precision Measurement of Ternary Diffusion Coefficients and Implications for Protein Crystal Growth: Lysozyme Chloride in Aqueous Ammonium Chloride at 25�C,� Journal of Crystal Growth, 232, 273-284, 2001.
- Lee, H. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Simulation of Radial Dopant Segregation in Vertical Bridgman Growth of GaSe, a Semiconductor with Anisotropic Solid-Phase Thermal Conductivity,� Journal of Crystal Growth, 231, 148-170, 2001.
- Lee, H. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Thermodynamically Self-Consistent Approximations to the Liquidus and Solidus of Hg1-xCdxTe,� Journal of Electronic Materials, 30, 65-69, 2001.
- Lee, H. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Simulation of Radial Solute Segregation in Vertical Bridgman Growth of Pyridine-Doped Benzene, a Surrogate for Binary Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials,� Journal of Crystal Growth, 218, 334-352, 2000.
- Annunziata, O., L. Paduano, A. J. Pearlstein, D. G. Miller, and J. G. Albright, �Extraction of Thermodynamic Data from Ternary Diffusion Coefficients. Use of Precision Diffusion Measurements for Aqueous Lysozyme Chloride - NaCl at 25�C to Determine the Change of Lysozyme Chloride Chemical Potential with Increasing NaCl Concentration Well into the Supersaturated Region,� Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122, 5916-5928, 2000.
- Lee, H. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Simulation of Vertical Bridgman Growth of Benzene, a Material with Anisotropic Solid-Phase Thermal Conductivity,� Journal of Crystal Growth, 209, 934-952, 2000.
- �ztekin, A. and A. J. Pearlstein, �Isobaric Equation of State for Liquid Hg1-xCdxTe,� Journal of Crystal Growth, 204, 282-288, 1999.
- Albright, J. G., O. Annunziata, D. G. Miller, L. Paduano, and A. J. Pearlstein, �Precision Measurements of Binary and Multicomponent Diffusion Coefficients in Protein Solutions Relevant to Crystal Growth: Lysozyme Chloride in Water and Aqueous NaCl at pH 4.5 and 25�C,� Journal of the American Chemical Society, 121, 3256-3266, 1999.
- Bowlin, D. T., A. Scheeline, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Current Oscillations in Potentiostatic Electro-Oxidation of Aluminum in Phosphoric and Sulfuric Acids," Electrochimica Acta, 43, 417-421, 1997.
- Bozzi, L. A., J. Q. Feng, T. C. Scott, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Steady Axisymmetric Motion of Deformable Drops Falling or Rising through a Homoviscous Fluid in a Tube at Intermediate Reynolds Number," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 336, 1-32, 1997.
- Carpenter, B. N. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Simulation of Extraction of Velocity from Passive Scalar Data in a Two-Dimensional Diverging Channel Flow," Physics of Fluids, 8, 2447-2459, 1996.
- Pearlstein, A. J. and B. N. Carpenter, "On the Determination of Solenoidal or Compressible Velocity Fields from Measurements of Passive or Reactive Scalars," Physics of Fluids, 7, 754-763, 1995.
- Pearlstein, A. J. and M.-P. Shiue, "Three-dimensional Field-Flow Fractionation Using Helical Flow," Separation Science and Technology, 30, 2251-2258, 1995.
- Shiue, M.-P. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Free-Solution Electrophoresis with Amplification of Small Mobility Differences by Helical Flow," Journal of Chromatography A, 707, 87-103, 1995.
- Vakakis, A. F., M. E. King, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Forced Localization in a Periodic Chain of Non-linear Oscillators," International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 29, 429-447, 1994.
- Chen, F. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Hot Spot Locations and Temperature Distributions in a Forced Convection Photochemical Reactor," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 36, 2105-2114, 1993.
- Chen, Y.-M., Y.-R. Ou, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Development of the Wake Behind a Circular Cylinder Impulsively Started into Rotatory and Rectilinear Motion," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 253, 449-484, 1993.
- Li, W., K. Nobe, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Electrodissolution Kinetics of Iron in Chloride Solutions. VIII. Chaos in Potential/Current Oscillations," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 140, 721-728, 1993.
- Schwartz, M., W. Li, N. H. Phan, K. Nobe, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Plating of Copper in Tubular Holes with Rotating Screw Electrodes," Surface and Coatings Technology, 52, 269-274, 1992.
- Oztekin, A. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Coriolis Effects on the Stability of Plane-Front Solidification of Dilute Pb-Sn Binary Alloys," Metallurgical Transactions B, 23, 73-80, 1992.
- Terrones, G. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Absorbance, Light Intensity, Mass Transfer, and Sampling Time Effects in a Proposed Mechanism for the Photolysis of Phenyl Azide," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 113, 2132-2140, 1991.
- Chen, F., C. F. Chen, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Convective Instability in Superposed Fluid and Anisotropic Porous Layers," Physics of Fluids A, 3, 556-565, 1991.
- Terrones, G., D. W. McLaughlin, E. A. Overman, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Stability and Bifurcation of Spatially Coherent Solutions of the Damped-Driven NLS Equation," SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 50, 791-818, 1990.
- Lopez, A. R., L. A. Romero, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Effect of Rigid Boundaries on the Onset of Convective Instability in a Triply Diffusive Fluid Layer," Physics of Fluids A, 2, 897-902, 1990.
- Kim, I. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Stability of the Flow Past a Sphere," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 211, 73-93, 1990.
- Li, W., K. Nobe, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Potential/Current Oscillations and Anodic Film Characteristics of Iron in Concentrated Chloride Solutions," Corrosion Science, 31, 615-620, 1990.
- Pearlstein, A. J. and A. Oztekin, "Selection of Convective Planform Orientation by Boundary Anisotropy," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 207, 267-294, 1989.
- Pearlstein, A. J., R. M. Harris, and G. Terrones, "The Onset of Convective Instability in a Triply Diffusive Fluid Layer," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 202, 443-465, 1989.
- Chen, Y.-M. and A. J. Pearlstein, "," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 198, 513-541, 1989.
- Glezer, A., Z. Kadioglu, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Development of an Extended Proper Orthogonal Decomposition and Its Application to a Time Periodically Forced Plane Mixing Layer," Physics of Fluids A, 1, 1363-1370, 1989.
- Terrones, G. and A. J. Pearlstein, "The Onset of Convection in a Multicomponent Fluid Layer," Physics of Fluids A, 1, 845-853, 1989.
- Pearlstein, A. J. and J. A. Johnson, "Global and Conditional Stability of the Steady and Periodic Solutions of the Franck-FitzHugh Model of Electrodissolution of Fe in H2SO4," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 136, 1290-1299, 1989.
- Goussis, D. A. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Removal of Infinite Eigenvalues in the Generalized Matrix Eigenvalue Problem," Journal of Computational Physics, 84, 242-246, 1989.
- Pearlstein, A. J. and D. A. Goussis, "Efficient Transformation of Certain Singular Polynomial Matrix Eigenvalue Problems," Journal of Computational Physics, 78, 305-312, 1988.
- Chen, F. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Temperature Distributions in a Laminar-Flow Tubular Photoreactor," AlChE Journal, 34, 1381-1383, 1988.
- Pearlstein, A. J. and B. P. Dempsey, "Low Peclet Number Heat Transfer in a Laminar Tube Flow Subjected to Axially Varying Wall Heat Flux," Journal of Heat Transfer, 110, 796-798, 1988.
- Chen, Y.-M. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Onset of Convection in Variable Viscosity Fluids: Assessment of Approximate Viscosity-Temperature Relations," Physics of Fluids, 31, 1380-1385, 1988.
- Chen, Y.-M. and A. J. Pearlstein, "Viscosity-Temperature Correlation for Glycerol-Water Solutions," Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 26, 1670-1672, 1987.
- Pratsinis, S. E., S. K. Friedlander, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Aerosol Reactor Theory: Stability and Dynamics of a Continuous Stirred Tank Aerosol Reactor," AIChE Journal, 32, 177-185, 1986.
- Pearlstein, A. J., "Instability and Bifurcation Analysis for an Exothermic Surface Reaction with Diffusive Heat and Mass Transfer," Journal of Chemical Physics, 83, 6027-6038, 1985.
- Pearlstein, A. J., "Steady State Stability for a Surface Reaction with External Heat and Mass Transfer Resistance," Chemical Engineering Science, 40, 865-868, 1985.
- Pearlstein, A. J., "Criteria for the Absence of Thermal Convection in Photochemical Systems," Journal of Physical Chemistry, 89, 1054-1058, 1985.
- Pearlstein, A. J., "On the Two-Dimensionality of the Critical Disturbances for Stratified Viscous Plane Parallel Shear Flows," Physics of Fluids, 28, 751-753, 1985.
- Pearlstein, A. J., H. P. Lee, and K. Nobe, "Film Formation and Current Oscillations in the Electrodissolution of Cu in Acidic Chloride Media. II. Mathematical Model," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 132, 2159-2165, 1985.
- Lee, H. P., K. Nobe, and A. J. Pearlstein, "Film Formation and Current Oscillations in the Electrodissolution of Cu in Acidic Chloride Media. I. Experimental Studies," Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 132, 1031-1037, 1985.
- Pearlstein, A. J., "On the Equivalence of Two Sets of Mode Shapes in a Cantilever Beam Problem," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 95, 559-560, 1984.
- Pearlstein, A. J., "Effect of Rotation on the Stability of a Doubly Diffusive Fluid Layer," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 103, 389-412, 1981.
- Pearlstein, A. J., "Exact, Efficient Calculation of Coefficients in Certain Eigenfunction Expansions," Applied Scientific Research, 30, 337-340, 1975.
- Pearlstein, A. J., "Facile Birefringence Calculation for an Isomerization Model of S. Kobayasi," Biopolymers, 13, 2649-2651, 1974.
Professional Societies
- American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, 1976-date
Teaching Honors
- Teachers Rated as Excellent, UIUC, Spring 2020
- MechSE Two-Year Effective Teaching Award, 2007
- Engineering Council Advisor List for Outstanding Advising, UIUC, 1995, 1997, 2002, 2017, 2023
- Andersen Consulting Award for Excellence in Advising, College of Engineering, UIUC, 1993
Research Honors
- Fellow, American Physical Society, 2014
- NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award, 1985
Recent Courses Taught
- ME 310 AE2 (ME 310 AL3) - Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics
- ME 320 AE1 (ME 320 AL2, ME 320 OE1, ME 320 AL1) - Heat Transfer
- TAM 531 - Inviscid Flow
- TAM 536 - Instability and Transition