Shiv Kapoor

 Shiv Kapoor
Shiv Kapoor he/him/his

Administrative Titles

  • Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair
Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair Emeritus and Professor Emeritus
(217) 333-3432
4416 Mechanical Engineering Lab

For More Information


  • Ph.D. ME University of Wisconsin-Madison 1977
  • M.Tech. ME I.I.T., Kanpur, India 1971
  • B.Sc. Engr. ME I. I.T., B.H.U., India 1969

Academic Positions

  • Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair in Mechanical Science and Engineering, 2005-2022
  • Associate Head for Graduate Programs, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 2002-05
  • James W. Bayne Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 2000-05
  • GM-CAM Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 1997-00
  • Director, Manufacturing Research Center, UIUC, 1995-2013
  • Associate Director, Machine-Tool Agile Manufacturing Research Institute, UIUC, April 1994-2003
  • Director, NSF I/UCRC for Machine Tool Systems Research, 1993-2003
  • Professor, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC, Aug. 1990-date
  • Director, Manufacturing Engineering Education, College of Engineering, Feb. 1989-2011
  • Division Head, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Division, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Jan. 1988- Jan. 1996
  • Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, Aug. 1985-Aug. 1990
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, Dec. 1979-Aug. 1985
  • Post Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1977-79

Major Consulting Activities

  • SAIC/DEMCO, Champaign, 2006-07

Research Statement

For almost thirty (30) years Professor Kapoor has sustained a relevant and well-supported research program in the areas of manufacturing process modeling and process automation. The main goal has been to develop science-based understanding of the processes for the purpose of increasing productivity and improving quality. The approach defines a new philosophy in the development of mechanistic models of machining operations that can be transferred into computer code for the simulation of a broad range of processes for the purpose of effectively transferring the knowledge-base to industry. In particular, the approach is found to have profound importance in dealing with complex operations and processes, the fundamental understanding of which is still cursory. In recent years, the mechanistic modeling approach has been the foundation for the development of internet-based testbeds for the simulation of machining processes that are regularly used by industry for solving practical day-to-day problems and by educational institutions for the training of manufacturing engineers.

For the past ten years, I with other colleagues at UIUC and Northwestern, have been engaged in laying the foundation of a new manufacturing paradigm related to micro/meso-scale mechanical manufacturing. The main idea is the creation of miniaturized manufacturing equipment and processes that are integrated into autonomous “microfactories’ and promote the concept of mass customization through distributed manufacturing (DM). We envision DM has potential to radically transform manufacturing from a capital and energy-intensive focus to low-cost and less-energy consuming technology. This idea had led to the initiation of new avenues of research and development in the areas of micro-scale process modeling, the development of new devices and machines much smaller than their conventional counterparts that use less energy and material, the creation of technologies for high precision positioning system design, advanced sensing and control, and micro-scale manipulation and assembly.

For coming years, my goal is to work on the miniaturization technologies in greater depth and develop processes and systems that would meet the system-level requirements for a new emerging paradigm in distributed manufacturing. Some of the planned activities include:

1. Conducting research in developing multi-functional and multi-scale energy-efficient processes, machines and systems for the purpose of creating nano- and micro-scale features with large relative accuracy

2. Physics-based modeling of micro-manufacturing processes for process planning and designing of emerging materials suited for nano-and micro-scale applications

3. Sustainable manufacturing through devising processes that use multi-purpose materials and less energy to reduce waste.

I believe by developing a better scientific understanding of emerging nano- and micro-scale manufacturing processes, we will be able to bridge the gap between the laboratory technologies and their industrial applications.

Research Interests

  • Micro-assembly and environmental conscious machining
  • Development of micro/meso manufacturing systems
  • mechanistic modeling and analysis of micro-manufacturing processes
  • Professor Kapoor's research is in the areas of micro-manufacturing and flexible automation. Specifically, he is working on:

Research Areas

  • Chemistry
  • Environment
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Manufacturing
  • Thermo and Heat Transfer

Selected Articles in Journals

  • Calzada, K., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, J. Samuel,and A. K. Srivastava,"Modeling and Interpretation of Fiber Orientation-based Failure Mechanism in Machining of Carbon-fiber-reinforced Polymer Composites," North American Manufacturing Research Conference, Jornal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol 13, no 3, 2011.
  • Krejcie, Alex, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “A Hybrid process for Manufacturing Surgical-grade knife Blade Cutting Edges form Bulk Metallic Glass,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol 14, no. 1, 2012.
  • Ham, S., J. E. Wentz, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, ”Three Dimensional Fluid Dynamic Model for the Prediction of Microfiltration Membrane Fouling and Flux Decline,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 133, 041001, 2011
  • Adair, K., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Development of a Unique Topology for a hard-turning Micro-machine Tool,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes.Vol 13, no. 2, pp. 75-84, 2011.
  • Heinz, K., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and V. Surla, “An Investigation of Magnetic-Field-Assisted Material Removal in Micro-EDM for Non-magnetic Materials," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 133, 021002, 2011.
  • Adair, K., S. G. Kapoor and R. E. DeVor, “An Approach to Economic Manufacture of Aerostatic Leadscrew for Micro-scale Machine Tools,” Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 16-23, 2011.
  • Samuel, J., A. Dixit, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor and K. Jimmy Hsia, ”Effect of Microstructural Parameters on the Machinability of Aligned Carbon Nanotube Composites,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 132, 0510121, 2010.
  • Bourne, K. A., R. E. DeVor and S. G. Kapoor, “Effect of Tool Geometry and Cutting Conditions on AFM-Tip based Scribing,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 030906, Vol. 132, 030906, 2010.
  • Ham, S., J. E. Wentz, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, ”The Impact of Surface Forces on Particle Flow and Membrane Fouling in the Microfiltration of Metalworking Fluids,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 132, 011006, 2010.
  • Calzada, K., J. Samuel, S. G. Kapoor, D. E. DeVor, and A. Srivastava, “Failure Mechanisms Encountered During Micro-milling of Aligned Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites,” Transactions of NAMRI/SME, Vol. 38, May, 2010.
  • Ghai, I., J. E. Wentz, S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and J. Samuel, “Droplet Behavior on a Rotating Surface for Atomization-based Cutting Fluid Application in Micro-machining,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 132, 011017, 2010.
  • Nagahanumaiah, J. Ramkumar, N. Glumac, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "Characterization of Plasma in Micro-EDM Discharge Using Optical Spectroscopy," Journal of Manufacturing Processes,V.11,no.2, 2010.
  • Samuel, J, A. Dixit, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor and K. J. Hsia,” Effect of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Concentration on the Thermo-Mechanical Properties and the Machinability of CN-Reinforced Polymer Composites,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 131, 031008, 2009.
  • Ellicott, G. J., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "Machinability Investigation of Micro-scale Hard Turning of 52100 Steel," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, May 2009.
  • Wentz, J. E., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor , and K. Rajagopalan, “Partial Blocking in Microfiltration Recycling of a Semi-Synthetic Metalworking Fluid,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, November 2008.
  • Balasubramanian, A., M. G. Jun, R. E. DeVor and S. G. Kapoor, “A Sub-micron Multi-Axis Positioning Stage for Micro- and Nano- Scale Manufacturing Processes,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 031112, June 2008.
  • Dikshit, A., J. Samuel, R. E. DeVor and S. G. Kapoor, “Microstructure-level Machining Simulation of Carbon Nanotube- Reinforced Polymer Composites – Part 2: Model Interpretation and Application,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 031115, June 2008.
  • Dikshit, A., J. Samuel, R. E. DeVor and S. G. Kapoor, “Microstructure-level Machining Simulation of Carbon Nanotube- Reinforced Polymer Composites – Part 1: Model development and Validation,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 031114, June 2008.
  • Dikshit, A., J. Samuel, R. E. DeVor and S. G. Kapoor, “A Microstructure-level Material Model for Simulating the Machining of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer Composites,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 031110, June 2008.
  • Honegger, A., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Calibration of Palletized Workpiece Systems for Microfactories,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 031108,, June 2008.
  • Bourne, K., M. Jun, R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “An Acoustic Emission-Based Method for Determining Relative Orientation Between a Tool and Workpiece at the Micro-Scale,” 031101, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, June 2008.
  • Jun, M.B.G., S. Joshi, R. E. DeVor and S. G. Kapoor, “An Experimental Evaluation of an Atomization-Based Cutting Fluid Application System for Micro-Machining,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 031118, June 2008.
  • Jun, M., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and F. Englert, “Experimental Investigation of Machinability and Tool Wear in Micro-Endmilling, “Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 201-208, May 2008.
  • Park, S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. Devor, “Microstructure-level Model for Prediction of Tool Failure in Coated WC-Co Cutting Tool Materials During Intermittent Cutting,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 129:5, 893-901, October 2007.
  • Ballou, J. R., S. S. Joshi, R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Burr Formation in Drilling Intersecting Holes with Machinable Austempered Ductile Iron (MADI),” SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 9:1, 35-46, 2007.
  • Bittorf, P. J., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. Devor, “Transiently Stable Emulsions for Metalworking Fluids,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI), 343-350, May 2007.
  • Araujo, A. C., M. B. G. Jun, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Experimental Investigation of a Combined Drilling and Thread Milling Process: Thrilling,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRI), 461-469, May 2007.
  • Liu, X., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “A Model-Based Analysis of the Surface Generation in Micro-endmilling. Part II: Model Validation and Analysis,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 129:3, 461-469, 2007.
  • Liu, X., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “A Model-based Analysis of the Surface Generation in Micro-endmilling. Part I: Model Development,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 129:3, 453-460, 2007.
  • Wentz, J. E., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and N. Rajagopalan, “Development of a Novel Metalworking Fluid Engineered for Use With Microfiltration Recycling,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 129:1, 135-142, 2007.
  • Sampath, K., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Modeling and Prediction of Cutting Noise in the Face Milling Process,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 129:3, 527-530, 2007.
  • Sampath, K., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Modeling and Analysis of Aerodynamic Noise in Milling Cutters,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 129:1, 5-11, 2007.
  • Araujo, A. C., J. L. Silveira, M.B.G. Jun, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “A Model for Thread Milling Cutting Forces,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 46, 2057-2065, 2006.
  • Jun, M., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Investigation of the Dynamics of Micro-End Milling. Part II: Model Validation and Interpretation,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128:4, 901-912, Nov. 2006.
  • Jun, M., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Investigation of the Dynamics of Micro-End Milling. Part I: Model Development,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128:4, 893-900, Nov. 2006.
  • Phillip, A. G., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “A New Acceleration-Based Methodology for Micro/Meso-Scale Machine Tool Performance Evaluation,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 46, 1435-1444, 2006.
  • Bhattacharyya, O., M. Jun, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “The Effects of Process Faults and Misalignments on the Cutting Force System and Hole Quality in Reaming,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 46, 1281-1290, 2006.
  • Park, S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Microstructure-Level Model for the Prediction of Tool Failure in WC-Co Cutting Tool Materials,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128:3, 739-748, Aug. 2006.
  • Bittorf, P. J., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and N. Rajagopalan, “Effect of Water Phase Surface Tension and Viscosity on Metalworking Fluid Functionality,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, XXXIV, 555-562, 2006.
  • Honegger, A., G. Langstaff, A. Phillip, T. VanRavenswaay, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Development of an Automated Microfactory: Part 2 – Experimentation and Analysis,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME , XXXIV, 341-348, 2006.
  • Honegger, A., G. Langstaff, A. Phillip, T. VanRavenswaay, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Development of an Automated Microfactory: Part 1 – Microfactory Architecture and Sub-Systems Development,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, XXXIV, 333-340, 2006.
  • Honegger, A., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “A Hybrid Methodology for Kinematic Calibration of Micro/Meso-Scale Machine Tools (mMTs),” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128:2, 513-522, May 2006.
  • Liu, X., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “An Analytical Model for the Prediction of Minimum Chip Thickness in Micro-machining,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128:2, 474-481, May 2006.
  • Samuel, J., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and K. J. Hsia, “Experimental Investigation of the Machinability of Polycarbonate Reinforced with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128:2, 465-473, May 2006.
  • Bhattacharyya, O., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Mechanistic Model for the Reaming Process with Emphasis on Process Faults,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 46, 836-846, 2006.
  • Warrington, C., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Finite Element Modeling and Tap Design Improvement in Form Tapping,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 128:1, 65-73, Feb. 2006.
  • Bless, P. N., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and D. Klabjan, “An Algorithmic Strategy for Automated Development of Multi-Component Software Tools for Virtual Manufacturing,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127:4, 866-874, Nov. 2005.
  • Warrington, C., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Experimental Investigation of Thread Formation in Form Tapping,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127:4, 829-836, Nov. 2005.
  • Wentz, J. E., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and N. Rajagopalan, “Experimental Investigation of Membrane Fouling Due to Microfiltration of Semi-Synthetic Metalworking Fluids,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, XXXIII, 281-288, 2005.
  • Degenhardt, J. A., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Generalized Groove-Type Chip Breaker Effects on Drilling for Different Drill Diameters and Flute Shapes,” International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 45, 1588-1597, 2005.
  • Yang, L., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Analysis of Force Shape Characteristics and Detection of Depth-of-Cut Variations in End Milling,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127:3, 454-462, Aug. 2005.
  • Marathe, S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Modeling the Noise Generated During the High Speed Face Milling Process,” International Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 7:1, 48-57, 2005.
  • Paul, A., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “A Chisel Edge Model for Arbitrary Drill Point Geometry,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127:1, 23-32, Feb. 2005.
  • Baro, P. K., S. J. Suhas, and S. G. Kapoor, “Modeling of Cutting Forces in a Face-Milling Operation With Self-Propelled Round Insert Milling Cutter,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 45, 831-839, 2005.
  • Park, S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Mechanistic Cutting Process Calibration via Microstructure-Level Finite Element Simulation Model,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 126:4, 705-708, Nov. 2004.
  • Vogler, M. P., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “On the Modeling and Analysis of Machining Performance in Micro-Endmilling, Part II: Cutting Force Prediction,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 126:4, 694-704, Nov. 2004.
  • Vogler, M. P., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “On the Modeling and Analysis of Machining Performance in Micro-Endmilling, Part I: Surface Generation,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 126:4, 684-693, Nov. 2004.
  • Liu, X., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and K. F. Ehmann, “The Mechanics of Machining at the Micro-Scale: Assessment of the Current State of the Science,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 126:4, 666-677, Nov. 2004.
  • Paul, A., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Chisel Edge and Cutting Lip Shape Optimization for Improved Twist Drill Point Design,” International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 45/4-5, 421-431, Jan. 2005.
  • Greeley, M. H., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “The Influence of Fluid Management Policy and Operational Changes on Metalworking Fluid Functionality,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 126:3, 445-450, Aug. 2004.
  • Sahu, S. K., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Modeling of Forces for Drills with Chip-Breaking Grooves,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 126:3, 555-564, Aug. 2004.
  • Jun, M., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “The Effects of End Mill Alignment Errors on Vibrations at High Spindle Speeds,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME , XXXII, 9-16, May 2004.
  • Eppert, Joseph J., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and N. Rajagopalan, “The Effect of Chip Adsorption on Selective Depletion From a Multi-Component Synthetic Metalworking Fluid,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:4, 703-708, Nov. 2003.
  • Chowdhary, S., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Modeling Forces Including Elastic Recovery for Internal Thread Forming,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:4, 681-688, Nov. 2003.
  • Mellinger, J. C., O. B. Ozdoganlar, R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Modeling Chip-Evacuation Forces in Drilling for Arbitrary Flute Geometries,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:3, 405-415, Aug. 2003.
  • Zhu, R., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “A Model-Based Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Methodology for Free-form Surface Machining Process,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:3, 397-404, Aug. 2003.
  • J. Lu, O. Burak Ozdoganlar, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “A Process Model Based Methodology for Comprehensive Process Planning of Contour Turning Operations,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, XXXI, 547-554, May 20-23, 2003.
  • Greeley, M. H., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and N. Rajagopalan, “Evaluating Performance Changes Due to Gradual Component Depletion in Metalworking Fluids,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, XXXI, 337-344, May 20-23, 2003.
  • Vogler, M. P., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Microstructure-Level Force Prediction Model for Micro-Milling of Multi-Phase Materials,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:2, 202-209, May 2003.
  • Chuzhoy, L., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Machining Simulation of Ductile Iron and Its Constituents. Part II: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of Machining,”ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:2, 192-201, May 2003.
  • Chuzhoy, L, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, A. J. Beaudoin, and D. J. Bammann, “Machining Model to Ductile Iron and Its Constituents. Part 1: Estimation of Material Model Parameters and their Validation,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:2, 181-191, May 2003.
  • Sahu, S. K., O. B. Ozdoganlar, R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Effect of Groove-Type Chip Breakers on Twist Drill Performance,” International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 43, 617-627, Mar. 2003.
  • Gupta, K., O. B. Ozdoganlar, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Modeling and Prediction of Hole Profile in Drilling, Part II: Modeling Hole Profile,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:1, 14-20, Feb. 2003.
  • Gupta, K., O. B. Ozdoganlar, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Modeling and Prediction of Hole Profile in Drilling, Part I: Modeling Drill Dynamics in the Presence of Drill Alignment Errors,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:1, 6-13, Feb. 2003.
  • Eppert, J. J., N. Rajagopalan, R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Modeling the Effect of Tramp Oil Contamination on Selective Component Depletion in Metalworking Fluid Systems,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 125:1, 85-94, Feb. 2003.
  • Mezentsev, O. A., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Prediction of Thread Quality by Detection and Estimation of Tapping Faults,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124:3, 643-650, Aug. 2002.
  • Mellinger, J. C., O. Ozdoganlar, R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Modeling Chip Evacuation Forces and Prediction of Chip-Clogging in Drilling,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124:3, 605-614, Aug. 2002.
  • Reddy, R. G., O. B. Ozdoganlar, S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and X. Liu, “A Stability Solution for the Axial Contour-Turning Process,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124:3, 581-587, Aug. 2002.
  • Vogler, M. P., X. Liu, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Development of Meso-Scale Machine Tool (mMT) Systems,” Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, XXX, 653-662, May 2002.
  • Chowdhary, S., O. B. Ozdoganlar, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Modeling and Analysis of Internal Thread Forming,” Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, XXX, 329-336, May 2002.
  • Jun, M. B., O. B. Ozdoganlar, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, A. Kirchheim, and G. Schaffner, “Evaluation of a Spindle-Based Force Sensor for Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Machining Operations,” International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 42, 741-751, May 2002.
  • Vogler, M. P., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Nonlinear Influence of Effective Lead Angle in Turning Process Stability,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Technical Brief, 124:2, 473-475, May 2002.
  • Kalidas, S., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Influence of Thermal Effects on Hole Quality in Dry Drilling: Part II: Thermo-Elastic Effects on Hole Quality,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 123:2, 267-274, May 2002.
  • Kalidas, S., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Influence of Thermal Effects on Hole Quality in Dry Drilling: Part I: A Thermal Model of Workpiece Temperatures,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124:2, 258-266, May 2002
  • Dogra, A. P. S., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "Analysis of Feed Errors in Tapping by Contact Stress Model," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124:2, 248-257, May 2002.
  • Fang, B., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Influence of Friction Damping on Workpiece-Fixture System Dynamics and Machining Stability,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124:2, 226-233, May 2002.
  • Chuzhoy, L., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and D. J. Bamman, “Microstructure-Level Modeling of Ductile Iron Machining,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 142:2, 162-169, May 2002.
  • Mezentsev, O. A., R. Zhu, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and W. A. Kline, “Use of Radial Forces for Fault Detection in Tapping,” International Journal of Machine Tool & Manufacture, 42, 479-488, 2002.
  • Sastry, S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Floquet Theory Based Approach for Stability Analysis of the Variable Speed Face-Milling Process,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124:1, 10-17, Feb. 2002.
  • Dogra, A. P. S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Mechanistic Model for Tapping Process with Emphasis on Process Faults and Hole Geometry,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 124:1, 18-25, Feb. 2002.
  • Parakkal, G., R. Zhu, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Modeling of Turning Process Cutting Forces for Grooved Tools,” International Journal of Machine Tool and Manufacture, 42, 179-191, 2002.
  • Kalidas, S., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Drill Coatings on Hole Quality Under Dry and Wet Conditions,” Surface & Coatings Technology, 148, 117-128, 2001.
  • Jacobus, K., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Experimentation on the Residual Stresses Generated by Endmilling,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 123:4, 748-753, Nov. 2001.
  • Sastry, S., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and G. Dullerud, “Chatter Stability Analysis of the Variable Speed Face-Milling Process,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 123:4, 753-756, Nov. 2001.
  • Skerlos, S. J., N. Rajagopalan, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and D. Angspatt, “Microfiltration of Polyoxyalkylene Metalworking Fluid Lubricant Additives Using Aluminum Oxide Membranes,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 123:4, 692-699, Nov. 2001.
  • Jacobus, K., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and R. P. Peascoe, “Predictive Model for the Full Biaxial Surface and Subsurface Residual Stress Profiles from Turning,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 123:4, 537-546, Nov. 2001.
  • Iyer, A., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “CAD Data Visualization for Machining Simulation using the STEP Standard,” SME Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 20, No. 3, 198-209, 2001.
  • Fang, B., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “An Elastodynamic Model of Frictional Contact and Its Influence on the Dynamics of a Workpiece-Fixture System,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 123:3, 481-489, Aug. 2001.
  • Zhu, R., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Mechanistic Modeling of the Ball End Milling Process for Multi-Axis Machining of Free-Form Surfaces,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 123:3, 369-379, Aug. 2001.
  • Reddy, R., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “A Mechanistic Force Model for Combined Axial-Radial Contour Turning,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 41, 1551-1572, 2001.
  • Skerlos, S. J., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, N. Rajagopalan, and R. A. Sanford, “Model of Biomass Concentration in a Metalworking Fluid Reservoir Subject to Constant Biofilm Contamination During Membrane Filtration,” Transaction of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, XXIX, 229-234, May 2001.
  • Reddy, R., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and Z. Sun, “A Mechanistic Model-Based Force-Feedback Scheme for Voice-Coil Actuated Radial Contour Turning,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 41:1131-1147, 2001.
  • Smithey, D. W., S. G. Kapoor and R. E. DeVor, “A New Mechanistic Model for Predicting Worn Tool Cutting Forces,” Journal of Machining Science and Technology, 5:1, 23-42, 2001.
  • Jayaram, S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Estimation of the Specific Cutting Pressures for Mechanistic Cutting Force Models,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 41, 265-281, 2001.
  • Smithey, D. W., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "A Worn Tool Force Model for Three-Dimensional Cutting Operations," International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 40, 1929-1950, 2000.
  • Sastry, S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "Compensation of Progressive Radial Run-Out in Face-Milling by Spindle Speed Variation," International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 40, 1121-1139, 2000.
  • Fang, B., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "On the Prediction of Friction Force at Workpiece-Fixture Interface," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute of SME, XXVIII, 209-214, 2000.
  • Skerlos, S. J., N. Rajagopalan, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and V. D. Angspatt, “Ingredient-Wise Study of Flux Characteristics in the Ceramic Membrane Filtration of Uncontaminated Synthetic Metalworking Fluids, Part 2: Analysis of Underlying Mechanisms,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 122:4, 746-752, Nov. 2000.
  • Skerlos, S. J., N. Rajagopalan, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and V. D. Angspatt, “Ingredient-Wise Study of Flux Characteristics in the Ceramic Membrane Filtration of Uncontaminated Synthetic Metalworking Fluids, Part 1: Experimental Investigation of Flux Decline,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 122:4, 739-745, Nov. 2000.
  • Reddy, R. G., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “A Mechanistic Force Model for Contour Turning,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 122:3, 398-405, Aug. 2000.
  • Jayaram, S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "Analytical Stability Analysis of Variable Spindle Speed Machining," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 122:3, 391-97, Aug. 2000.
  • Jacobus, K., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Machining–Induced Residual Stress: Experimentation and Modeling,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 122:1, 20-31, Feb. 2000.
  • Mehnert, E., M. Heidari, S. G. Kapoor, P. Kumar, and A. J. Valocchi, "Estimating Transmissivity from the Water-Level Fluctuations of a Sinusoidally Forced Well," Ground Water, 37:6, 855-860, 1999.
  • Waldorf, D. J., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “An Evaluation of Ploughing Models for Orthogonal Machining,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 121:4, 550-558, Nov. 1999.
  • Zhu, R., S. M. Athavale, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Mechanistic Force Models for Chip Control Tools,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 121:3, 408-416, Aug. 1999.
  • Waldorf, D. J., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “Worn Tool Forces Based on Ploughing Stresses,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Conference, XXVII, 165-170, May 1999.
  • Jacobus, J. K., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “Part Warpage Model Based on Machining Induced Residual Stress,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution, XXVII, 75-80, May 1999.
  • Kapoor, S. G., R. E. DeVor, R. Zhu, R. Gajjela, G. Parrakal, and D. Smithey, “Development of Mechanistic Models for the Prediction of Machining Performance: Model Building Methodology,” ASME Journal of Machining Science and Technology-An International Journal, 2:2, 213-238, 1998.
  • Waldorf, D. J., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, “A Slip-Line Field for Ploughing During Orthogonal Cutting,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 120: 4, 693-699, Nov. 1998.
  • Chandrasekharan, V., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “A Mechanistic Model to Predict the Cutting Force System for Arbitrary Drill Point Geometry,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 120:3, 563-570, 1998.
  • Akshay, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, “A Model-Based Approach for Radial Run-out Estimation in the Face Milling Process,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution, XXVI, 261-266, May 1998.
  • Lazoglu, I. M., M. P. Vogler, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E DeVor, “Dynamics of the Simultaneous Turning Process,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution, XXVI, 135-140, May 1998.
  • Ehmann, K. F., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and I. Lazoglu, “Machining Process Modeling; A Review,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 119:1, 1-9, No. 4a, Nov. 1997.
  • Sutherland, J. W., T. Cao, C. M. Daniel, Y. Yue, Y. Zheng, P. Sheng, D. Bauer, M. Srinivasan, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and S. J. Skerlos, “CFEST: An Internet-Based Cutting Fluid Evaluation Software Testbed,” Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution, XXV, 243-248, 1997.
  • Gu, F., S. N. Melkote, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "A Model for the Prediction of Surface Flatness in Face Milling," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 119:4(A), 476-484, Nov. 1997.
  • Jayaram, S., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "A Model-Based Approach for Detection of Process Faults in the Face Milling Process," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution, XXV, 117-122, 1997.
  • Gu, F., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and P. Bandyopadhyay, "An Enhanced Cutting Force Model for Face Milling with Variable Cutter Feed Motion and Complex Workpiece Geometry," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 119: 4(A), 467-475, Nov. 1997.
  • Radulescu, R., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor "An Investigation of Variable Spindle Speed Face Milling for Tool-Work Structures with Complex Dynamics: Part 2: Physical Explanation," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 119:3, 273-280, Aug. 1997.
  • Radulescu, R., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor "An Investigation of Variable Spindle Speed Face Milling for Tool-Work Structures With Complex Dynamics: Part 1: Simulation Results," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 119:3, 266-272, Aug. 1997.
  • Chandrasekharan, V., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "A Calibration Procedure for Fundamental Oblique-Cutting Model Coefficients Based on a Three-Dimensional Mechanistic Drilling Force Model," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution, XXV, 255-260, 1997.
  • DiPaolo, G., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "An Experimental Investigation of the Crack Growth Phenomenon for Drilling of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 118:1, 104-110, Feb. 1996.
  • Melkote, S. N., S. M. Athavale, R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and J. J. Burkey, "Prediction of the Reaction Force System for Machining Fixtures Based on Machining Process Simulation," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution, XXIII, 207-214, 1995.
  • Pei, Z. J., P. M. Ferreira, S. G. Kapoor, and M. Haselkorn, "Rotary Ultrasonic Machining for Face Milling of Ceramics," International Journal of Machine Tools Manufacturing, 35:7, 1033-1046, 1995.
  • Endres, W. J., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "A Dual-Mechanism Approach to the Prediction of Machining Forces, Part 2: Calibration and Validation," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 117:4, 534-541, Nov. 1995.
  • Endres, W. J., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "A Dual-Mechanism Approach to the Prediction of Machining Forces, Part 1: Model Development," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 117:4, 526-533, Nov. 1995.
  • Chandrasekharan, V., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "A Mechanistic Approach to Predicting Cutting Forces in Drilling: With Application to Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 117:4, 559-570, Nov. 1995.
  • DeVries, M. R., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "A Process Model-Based Dual Off-Line/On-Line Methodology for Short Run Quality Control," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution, XXII, 331-341, 1994.
  • Rahn, G. E., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "Single-Subgroup Performance Measures and Diagnostic Procedures for X-Bar Control Charts," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 116:2, 216-224, May 1994.
  • Rasmussen, J., T. C. Tsao, R. D. Hansen, and S. G. Kapoor, "Dynamic Variable Depth of Cut Machining Using Piezoelectric Actuators," International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 34:3, 379-392, 1994.
  • Radulescu, R. and S. G. Kapoor, "An Analytical Model for Prediction of Tool Temperature Fields during Continuous and Interrupted Cutting," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 116:2, 135-143, May 1994.
  • Radulescu, R., S. G. Kapoor, W. J. Endres, and R. E. DeVor, "An Investigation of the Vibration of the Face Milling Process During High Speed Machining," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 21, 237-246, 1993.
  • Tsao, T-C., M. McCarthy, and S. G. Kapoor, "A New Approach to Stability Analysis of Variable Speed Machining Systems," Journal of Machine Tool Design and Manufacture, 33:6, 791-808, 1993.
  • Subramani, G., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "A Model for the Prediction of Bore Cylindricity During Machining," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 115:1, 15-22, Feb. 1993.
  • Huang, J., U. S. Palekar, and S. G. Kapoor, "A Labeling Algorithm for the Navigation of Automated Guided Vehicles," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 115:3, 315-321, Aug. 1993.
  • Waldorf, D. W., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "Automatic Recognition of Tool Wear on a Face Mill Using a Mechanistic Modeling Approach," International Journal of Wear, 157, 305-323, 1992.
  • Gu, F., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and P. Bandyopadhyay, "A Cutting Force Model for Face Milling with a Step Cutter," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 20, 361-367, 1992.
  • Gu, F., S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and P. Bandyopadhyay, "An Approach to On-line Runout Estimation in Face Milling," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 240-247, 1991.
  • Subramani, G., M. C. Whitmore, S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "Temperature Distribution in a Hollow Cylindrical Workpiece During Machining: Theoretical Model and Experimental Results," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 113:4, 373-380, Nov. 1991.
  • Zhang, G. M. and S. G. Kapoor, "Dynamic Generation of Machined Surfaces, Part 2: Construction of Surface Topography," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 113:2, 145-153, May 1991.
  • Zhang, G. M. and S. G. Kapoor, "Dynamic Generation of Machined Surfaces, Part 1: Description of a Random Excitation System," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 113:2, 137-144, May 1991.
  • Menon, S., R. Pandit, and S. G. Kapoor, "Dynamic Simulation of Mobile Robot Navigation in Warehousing Environments," Journal of Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 21, 211-225, 1991.
  • Lin, S. C., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and J. W. Sutherland, "A New Approach to Estimating the Cutting Process Damping Under Working Conditions," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 18, 154-160, May 1990.
  • Dooley, K. J. and S. G. Kapoor, "An Enhanced Quality Evaluation System for Continuous Manufacturing Processes, Part 2: Application," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 112:1, 63-68, Feb. 1990.
  • Dooley, K. J. and S. G. Kapoor, "An Enhanced Quality Evaluation System for Continuous Manufacturing Processes, Part 1: Theory," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 112:1, 57-62, Feb. 1990.
  • Lin, S. C., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "The Effects of Variable Speed Cutting on Vibration Control in Face Milling," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 112:1, 1-11, 1990.
  • Engelhardt, R. J., S. C. Lin, R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "A Verification of the Use of Variable Spindle Speed for Vibration Reduction in Face Milling," Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME, 1:17, 115-122, 1989.
  • Wavering, A. and S. G. Kapoor, "The Application of Ultrasonic Ranging and Group Technology Concepts to Robot Material Handling Tasks," Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 16:4, 291-302, 1989.
  • Sutherland, J. W., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and P. M. Ferreira, "Machining Process Models for Product and Process Design," Society of Automotive Engineers Transactions, 97:5, 215-226, 1989.
  • Menon, S. R., S. G. Kapoor, and R. B. Blackmon, "Navigation Planning for Mobile Robotic Devices in Modular Warehouses," The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 3:4, 47-62, 1988.
  • Sutherland, J. W., G. Subramani, M. J. Kuhl, R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "An Investigation into the Effect of Tool and Cut Geometry on Cutting Force System Prediction Models," Proceedings of the 16th North American Research Conference,+ Urbana, IL, 264-272, May 1988.
  • Zhang, G. M. and S. G. Kapoor, "Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of the Boring Machining System," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 109:3, 219-226, Aug. 1987.
  • Dooley, K. and S. G. Kapoor, “A Rule-Based System for Classifying Faults in Continuous Processes,” Proceedings of the IXth International Conference on Production Research, 28-34, Cincinnati, OH, Aug. 1987.
  • Subramani, G., R. Suvada, S. G. Kapoor, R. E. DeVor, and W. Meingast, "A Model for the Prediction of Force System for Cylinder Boring Process," Proceedings of the 15th North American Manufacturing Research Conference, Lehigh, PA, 439-446, May 1987.
  • Zhang, G. M., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "A Method to Construct Three-Dimensional Stability Border Surfaces," Proceedings of the 15th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ Lehigh, PA, 593-599, May 1987.
  • Dessouky, M. I., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "A Methodology for Integrated Quality Systems," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 109:3, 241-247, Aug. 1987.
  • Dooley, K. J., S. G. Kapoor, M. I. Dessouky, and R. E. DeVor, "An Integrated Quality Systems Approach to Quality and Productivity Improvement in Continuous Manufacturing Processes," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 108:4, 322-327, Nov. 1986.
  • Lee, S. J. and S. G. Kapoor, "Cutting Process Dynamics Simulation for Machine Tool Structure Design," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 108, 68-74, May 1986.
  • Zhang, G. M. and S. G. Kapoor, "Development of an Instru¬mented Boring Bar Transducer," Proceedings of the 14th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 194-200, May 1986.
  • Babin, T. S., J. W. Sutherland, and S. G. Kapoor, "On the Geometry of End Milled Surfaces," Proceedings of the 14th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 168-176, May 1986.
  • DeVor, R. E., S. G. Kapoor, R. Hayashida, G. Subramani, and T. J. Lindem, "A Methodology for the Simultaneous Engineering of Products and Manufacturing Processes," Proceedings of the 14th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 535-542, May 1986.
  • Lee, S. J. and S. G. Kapoor, "On the Automatic Selection of Reanalysis Techniques in Machine Tool Structural Element Optimization," Journal of Engineering Optimization, 10:2, 163-181, 1986.
  • Lee, S. J. and S. G. Kapoor, "A Shape and Size Optimization Algorithm for Machine Tool Element Design," Journal of Engineering Optimization, 10:1, 25-39, 1986.
  • Babin, T. S., J. M. Lee, J. W. Sutherland, and S. G. Kapoor, "A Model for End Milled Surface Topography," Proceedings of the 13th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 362-368, May 1985.
  • Kapoor, S. G., F. Ding, M. Zhang, and R. E. DeVor, "A Time-Varying Parameter Model for the Stability Analysis of Intermittent Turning Processes," Proceedings of the 13th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 551-557, May 1985.
  • Lee, S. J., S. G. Kapoor, and R. E. DeVor, "An Integrated Machining Process Design Simulator for the Optimal Design of Face Milling Systems," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, 107:4, 301-308, Nov. 1985.
  • Kapoor, S. G., H. Marguet, and T. S. Babin, "Design and Development of an Automatic Control System for Paper Tension Regulation, International Journal of Science and Engineering, 1:4, 15-32, 1985.
  • Borre, V. L. and S. G. Kapoor, "A Multi-Stage Quadratic Programming Optimization Technique for Optimal Management of Large Hydro-Power Operations," Journal of Engineering Optimization, 8:2, 103-118, 1985.
  • Zhang, G. M. and S. G. Kapoor, "The Effects of Surface Roughness on Sheet Steels After Phosphating," Journal of Corrosion Science, 24:11/12, 977-991, 1984.
  • Borre, V. L. and S. G. Kapoor, "Application of a Two-Step Optimization Technique to an Economic Dispatch Problem in a Hydro-Thermal-Purchased Power Network," Journal of Engineering Optimization, 7:2, 91-103, 1984.
  • Kapoor, S. G., "Clutch Wear Prediction Via a Deterministic-Stochastic Modeling Approach," Journal of Wear, 93, 181-192, 1984.
  • Fu, H. J., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "A Mechanistic Model for the Prediction of the Force System in Face Milling Operations," Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Journal for Industry, 106, 81-88, 1984.
  • Kapoor, S. G., G. M. Zhang, and L. L. Bahney, "Stability Analysis of the Boring Process System," Proceedings of the 12th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 454-459, 1984.
  • Fu, H. J., R. E. DeVor, and S. G. Kapoor, "The Optimal Design of Tooth Spacing in Face Milling Via a Dynamic Force Model," Proceedings of the 12th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 291-297, 1984.
  • DeVor, R. E., S. G. Kapoor, H. J. Fu, and P. C. Subbarao, "Effect of Variable Chip Load on Machining Performance in Face Milling," Proceedings of the 11th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 348-355, May 1983.
  • Kapoor, S. G. and S. M. Wu, "Developing Forecasting Charts for Sunspot Numbers," Journal of Geophysical Research, 87:A1, 9-16, Jan. 1982.
  • Subbarao, P. C., R. E. DeVor, S. G. Kapoor, and H. J. Fu, "Analysis of Cutting Forces in Face Milling of High Silicon Casting Aluminum Alloys," Proceedings of 10th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 289-296, 1982.
  • Garcia-Gardea, E., S. G. Kapoor, and S. M. Wu, "Analysis of Grinding Dynamics by Dynamic Data System Methodology," International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Research, 21:2, 99-108, 1981.
  • Kapoor, S. G., P. Madhok, and S. M. Wu, "Modeling and Forecasting Sales Data by Time Series Analysis," Journal of Marketing Research, V.XVIII, 94-100, 1981.
  • Kapoor, S. G. and S. M. Wu, "Predicting Printability of Gravure and Embossed Papers by Time Series Analysis," Journal of Physics, D, Applied Physics, 12, 2005-2017, 1979.
  • Kapoor, S. G., S. M. Wu, and S. M. Pandit, "A New Method for Evaluating the Printing Smoothness of Coated Papers," Journal of TAPPI, 61:6, 71-74, 1978.
  • Nassirpour, F., S. G. Kapoor, and S. M. Wu, "Runway Roughness Characterization by DDS Approach," Transactions of Journal of American Society of Civil Engineers, 104:TE 2, 213-226, 1978.
  • Kapoor, S. G. and S. M. Wu, "A Stochastic Approach to Paper Surface Characterization and Printability Criteria," Journal of Physics, D, Applied Physics, 11, 83-97, 1978.
  • Wu, S. M., S. G. Kapoor, and M. F. DeVries, "Characterization of Coated Abrasive Wear by Statistical Invariants," Proceedings of the 6th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 346-350, Apr.1978.
  • Burney, F. A., S. G. Kapoor, and S. M. Wu, "Effect of the Minimum Vibration Face-Milling Cutter on the Surface Finish of the Workpiece," Proceedings of the 5th North American Manufacturing Research Conference,+ 316-321, May 1977.

Professional Societies

  • Member of the Advisory Board for the Association for Manufacturing Technology,2004-2006
  • Member of the Advisory Committee for the Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE, 2002-date
  • Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference on Computer-Aided Production Engineering, 1988-1993
  • Member, International Conference on Computer-Aided Production Engineering:
  • Faculty Advisor for the Student Chapter, Alpha Pi Mu, 1984-2002
  • Member, Alpha Pi Mu
  • Faculty Advisor for the Student Chapter, IIE, 1984-1989
  • Senior Member, IIE
  • Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE):
  • Senior Member, SME
  • Member, NAMRI Scientific Committee, SME, The Scientific Committee is responsible for reviewing papers submitted for publication in the Trans. of SME
  • Election to Member Grade, ASME *Requires the following procedures:(1) presentation of papers at a minimum of the two NAMRC Conferences, (2) nominations by three members, (3) review of qualifications by the general membership, and (4) a majority vote by the voting general assembly.
  • Member, North American Manufacturing Research Institution, SME
  • Member, Lead Award Committee, SME, 1994-1998
  • NAMRI Board Member, SME, 1995-1998
  • NAMRI Scientific Committee Chair, SME, 1998-2000
  • Member, SME Journals Committee, 1999-2004
  • NAMRI Board Secretary, SME, 2001
  • NAMRI Board President – Elect, SME, 2002
  • NAMRI Board President, SME, 2003-2004
  • NAMRI Board, Nominating Committee, SME, 2004-2006
  • Editor, SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2005-date
  • Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME):
  • Member, Technical Committee on Publications & Communications, ASME, 2008-10
  • Member, Task Force for ASME/SME merger, 1999
  • Member, Conference Committee, ASME
  • Manufacturing Group Representative for the Winter Annual Meeting Technical Program, ASME, 1991-1994
  • Member-at-Large, Manufacturing Operating Board, ASME, 1994-1995
  • Vice President, Manufacturing, Council on Engineering, ASME, 1996-1999
  • Chair, M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Medal of ASME/SME Award Committee, 2001-2002
  • Technical Editor, ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 1991-2001
  • Chair, Technical Committee on Publications and Communications (TCPC), ASME, 2011-2014. 2014-2018
  • Member, Technical Program Committee on Micro/Nano Manufacturing, MED, ASME, 2006-date

Teaching Honors

  • Five-Year Effective Teacher Award, Mechanical Science and Engineering Alumni Association, 2011
  • UIUC Excellence in Mentoring Graduate Students Award, 2011
  • Honorable Mention, Excellence in Mentoring Graduate Students Award, 2006
  • Ranked as excellent by their students for Spring 1981, Fall, Fall 1982, Fall 1983, Fall 1985, Fall 1988, Fall 2002, Fall 2004, Fall 2008, Spring 2010, Spring 2012, Fall 2015, Spring 2018
  • Everitt Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Engineering, UIUC, 1984
  • Association, UIUC, 1986
  • Two-Year Effective Teacher Award, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Alumni

Research Honors

  • S. M. Wu Research Implementation Award, 2010
  • Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award (for best research paper), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2008
  • Education Award, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), 2005
  • Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair in Mechanical Science and Engineering, 2005-date
  • Distinguished Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, 2005-2009
  • William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003
  • President, North American Manufacturing Research Institute (NAMRI) of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), 2003-2004
  • President-Elect of the North American Manufacturing Research Institute (NAMRI) of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), 2002
  • James W. Bayne Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UIUC, 2000-2005
  • GM-CAM Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and College of Engineering, UIUC, 1997-2000
  • Listed in Who’s Who in Technology Today
  • Blackall Machine Tool and Gage Award (for best research paper), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992, 1997
  • Selection of a paper entitled, “Modeling and Forecasting Sales Data by Time Series Analysis,” for publication in Marketing Abstracts, 45:4, 1981. Only a small portion of all marketing articles published in various journals are selected for this honor.
  • Marie Christine Kohler Fellowship, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1976
  • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1995
  • Fellow, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 1994

Public Service Honors

  • Outstanding Service Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Manufacturing Engineering Division), 1998
  • Dedicated Service Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999

Recent Courses Taught

  • ME 451 - Computer-Aided Mfg Systems
  • ME 455 - Micromfg Process & Automation