7/8/2016 MechSE Communications
Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair and MechSE Professor Shiv Kapoor has been named an
Written by MechSE Communications
He was selected for “more than three decades of pioneering contributions to manufacturing engineering through basic and applied research with close collaboration with industrial users, the education and mentoring of young talent, and lifelong service to ASME and other professional societies.”
ASME’s honorary membership was first awarded in 1880 and its recipients include engineering leaders of world renown who have made distinctive contributions to the profession.
Formal presentation of the award will take place in November during the ASME Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Phoenix, Arizona.
Kapoor’s research focuses on developing science-based understanding of manufacturing process modeling and process automation for the purpose of increasing productivity and improving quality. His research group developed a new manufacturing paradigm related to micro/meso-scale mechanical manufacturing—moving toward the creation of miniaturized manufacturing equipment and processes that are integrated into autonomous “microfactories” and promoting the concept of mass customization through distributed manufacturing.
He joined the department in 1979 as an assistant professor, became an associate professor in 1985, and full professor in 1990. He holds three degrees in mechanical engineering, including a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.