Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
MechSE is a community of change-makers, where being inclusive of individuals from different personal, cultural and disciplinary perspectives is a prerequisite for success. Increasing the diversity of our faculty, staff, and students is fundamental to our mission of developing engineers who will work together to address major societal challenges. Doing so improves and accelerates the rate and impact of our academics, research, and reputation. We invite you to learn more about our accomplishments and efforts to create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive MechSE.
-- MechSE DEI Office: Professor Geir Dullerud
Purposeful scholarships, fellowships, and other recruiting tools can enable us to accelerate the diversity
of our academics, research, and future workforce.
Learn how a gift to our DEI fund can help us recruit and foster a truly inclusive MechSE community.
Give to our DEI Initiatives Fund
For more information about giving opportunities, contact Kendra Wolf, kjwolf@illinois.edu, 217-300-7297
Illinois Campus Resources
- Campus Belonging Resources
- Chez Veterans Center
- CU Women in Tech Forum (through the Research Park at UIUC)
- Disability Resources and Educational Services
(accessibility and accommodations) - First Generation Students
- Religious Inclusion
- Request a Training or Workshop
- Request Co-Sponsorship
- Religious, Spiritual, and Secular Inclusion
- Land Acknowledgment for Events
- Communications Protocol with Native Nations
- Report a Barrier to Access
- Submit a Request for a Reasonable Accommodation
- Campus Calendar of DEI Events
Grainger Engineering Resources
- Academic and Research Leadership Network (ARLN)
- Accelerating Women and UnderRepresented Entrepreneurs (AWARE)
- American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
- Academic Redshirt in Science and Engineering (ARISE)
- Engineering Graduate Student Advisory Committee (EGSAC)
- Morrill Engineering Program (MEP)
- Multicultural Engineering Recruitment for Graduate Education (MERGE)
- National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Support for Underrepresented Groups in Engineering (SURGE) Fellowship Program
- Sloan University Center of Exemplary Mentoring at Illinois
- Women in Engineering (WIE)