C. Ricardo Constante-Amores

C. Ricardo Constante-Amores
C. Ricardo Constante-Amores he/him/his
Assistant Professor
2025 Mechanical Engineering Bldg

For More Information


  • PhD & DIC, Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, Feb 2021
  • MSc & DIC, Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, Oct 2016
  • BS, Chemical Engineering, Complutense University of Madrid, Sep 2014

Academic Positions

  • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison,Chemical & Biological Engineering Department , Jan 2022-Jul 2024
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute and the Department of Engineering Science, Jan 2021-Dic 2021

Selected Articles in Journals


  • Rising Star in Aerospace Engineering
  • ERCOFTAC da Vinci Medal
  • Dudley Newitt Prize for Theoretical/Computational Excellence
  • Virtual Mobility Grant in Mathematical Institute at University of Oxford
  • LIFD (Leeds Institute for Fluid Dynamics) Visiting Fellow — Prize Fellow Scheme
  • UK Fluids Network Thesis Prize (runner-up)
  • ERCOFTAC Osborne Reynolds Prize (2nd)
  • Milton van Dyke Award from the American Physical Society
  • PhD Scholarship from Centre for Doctoral Training on Theory and Simulation of Materials
  • PhD Scholarship from BP-International Centre for Advanced Materials
  • Scholarship from Government of Spain-Ministry of Education

Recent Courses Taught

  • TAM 335 AL1 - Introductory Fluid Mechanics