Constante-Amores explores multiphase flows and turbulence

1/7/2025 Helen Chang

New MechSE Prof. Ricardo Constante-Amores combines his academic foundations in turbulence and the physics of fluids, layered with the integration of machine learning techniques. Findings from his computational models could lead to advancements in energy savings and the fundamental understanding of turbulence.

Written by Helen Chang

Last semester, MechSE welcomed Assistant Professor C. Ricardo Constante-Amores. Bringing expertise in fluid mechanics, Constante-Amores completed his PhD at Imperial College London, as well as postdoctoral training at the University of Oxford and, later, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He explores fluid dynamics, focusing on turbulence and multiphase flows using numerical simulations and machine learning approaches.

Ricardo Constante-Amores
Beyond academic ambitions, Constante-Amores looks forward to exploring the state's natural trails.

With a foundation in chemical engineering, Constante-Amores first took real interest in fluid mechanics while pursuing his master’s degree at Imperial. His fascination was rooted in the mathematics underlying the field, which steered him toward research in multiphase flow—the study of interactions between different liquids and how their interfaces behave over time.

“Studying fluid mechanics was the perfect blend of mathematics, numerical methods, and pen-and-paper problem-solving that I always loved,” Constante-Amores explained.

During his doctoral work, he studied the physics of interface breakup and coalescence in multiphase flows, which exemplify situations wherein the interface undergoes topological transitions. These transitions involve the development of singularities where interfacial distances vanish and velocity fields diverge, requiring highly specialized numerics. In Madison, he shifted his focus to turbulence, approaching it from a dynamical systems perspective and integrating machine learning techniques. Building on this foundation, his current research spans both multiphase flows and turbulence with applications in environmental flows, manufacturing processes and biomedical systems.

“Creating low-degree-of-freedom models that still capture the essence of turbulence physics is one of the most exciting parts of my research,” he said. Indeed, findings from his models could lead to advancements in energy savings and the fundamental understanding of turbulence.  

He aims to develop computational simulations that are faster and more scalable for real-world applications. “Bringing together theory, computation and experiment is critical for ensuring robust and comprehensive scientific insights,” he said. Constante-Amores is eager to collaborate with the department’s many fluid dynamics experimentalists.

His long-term vision extends to deepening fundamental knowledge in fluid mechanics and developing practical tools for engineering. He hopes to inspire students to explore fluid mechanics, welcoming undergraduates to apply to his lab.

“I’m fortunate to have had mentors who were incredibly supportive. If I can achieve even a fraction of their impact, I will consider myself successful,” Constante-Amores said. “MechSE is one of the strongest departments in the U.S., and I’m thrilled to be part of it. Its longstanding reputation for excellence in fluid mechanics is what drew me to join.”

During his academic journey, Constante-Amores has been a strong advocate for fostering an inclusive community in STEM. As a first-generation college graduate, he understands the challenges and unique perspectives that come with navigating academia without a familial roadmap. "Representation matters," he said. "Creating opportunities for students from diverse backgrounds, especially those who may not see themselves reflected in the field, is a priority for me."

As he settles in at Illinois, Constante-Amores extends an open invitation to students and collaborators. For those passionate about fluid mechanics, his lab offers a chance to engage in pioneering research. With access to the university’s National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) and a supportive research environment, the possibilities for discovery are vast. Interested students can email for more information.

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This story was published January 7, 2025.