Kapoor honored with SME Gold Medal

12/11/2014 MechSE Communications

Professor and Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair Shiv KapoorProfessor and Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair Shiv Kapoor was awarded the 2015 SME Gold Medal, one of several prestigious international honor awards presented annually by SME.

Written by MechSE Communications


Professor and Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair Shiv Kapoor
Professor and Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair Shiv Kapoor
Professor and Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair Shiv Kapoor

Professor and Grayce Wicall Gauthier Chair Shiv Kapoor was awarded the 2015 SME Gold Medal, one of several prestigious international honor awards presented annually by SME.


The award honors his outstanding service to the manufacturing engineering profession in technical communications through published literature, technical writings, and lectures.

It recognizes Kapoor’s renowned work in the modeling and analysis of machining processes and machine tool systems, as well as his wide recognition as one of the pioneers in the application of mechanistic models for the monitoring and diagnosis of machine tool systems and cutting tool design. The significance of these applications is not limited only to the resolution of particular pragmatic technical problems; they have led to increased understanding of the underlying physical phenomena. His modeling work has been significant for achieving the goal of being agile in process operation with a strong emphasis on the continuous improvement paradigm.

His main research goal is to develop science-based understanding of manufacturing process modeling and process automation for the purpose of increasing productivity and improving quality. Recently, his research group has been working on a new manufacturing paradigm related to micro/meso-scale mechanical manufacturing—moving toward the creation of miniaturized manufacturing equipment and processes that are integrated into autonomous “microfactories” and promoting the concept of mass customization through distributed manufacturing.

Kapoor joined the department in 1979 as an assistant professor, became an associate professor in 1985, and full professor in 1990. He holds three degrees in mechanical engineering, including a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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This story was published December 11, 2014.