Xinlei Wang
For More Information
- Ph.D., Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, 2000
- M.S., Agricultural Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, 1996
- M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, 1987
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, 1984
Academic Positions
- Associate Head, 2017-2023, Dept. of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, UIUC
- Professor (Affiliate), 2017-date, Dept. of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC
- Professor, 2014-date, Dept. of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, UIUC
- Associate Professor, 2008-2014, Dept. of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, UIUC
- Assistant Professor, 2002-2008, Dept. of Agricultural & Biological Engineering, UIUC
- Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Jan-Sep 2000, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, UIUC
- Lecturer, 1987-1994, Department of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, China
Other Professional Employment
- Senior Engineer, 2000-2002, International Truck and Engine Corporation, Melrose Park, IL
Resident Instruction
- SE 101: Engineering Graphics & Design
- ME 170: Computer-Aided Design
- ENG 491 SD: Interdisciplinary Design Project
- TSM 438: Renewable Energy Applications
- TSM 372: Environmental Control & HVAC Systems
- ABE 436: Renewable Energy Systems
- ABE 374: Environmental Control for Buildings
Research Interests
- Air quality and environmental control: measurement, modeling and control of airborne contaminant
- Emission control from diesel engines: modeling and control strategy development
- Renewable Energy Systems and Applications, Solar Decathlon
- Heating ventilation and air conditioning system simulation and control
Chapters in Books
- Johnstonbaugh E. and Wang X. 2022. Energy Efficiency – Smart Metering. In: Ciolkosz (Ed.): Regional Perspectives on Farm Energy, Springer Nature. Switzerland AG. ISBN 978-3-030-90830-0. pp.15-18.
Selected Articles in Journals
- Zilong Zhao, Yu-Feng Lin, Andrew Stumpf, Xinlei Wang, 2023. Improving LEED-certified building loads on borehole heat exchangers by coupling subsurface variables. Applied Thermal Engineering, 224, [120119]
- Zilong Zhao, Yu-Feng Lin, Andrew Stumpf, Xinlei Wang, 2022, Assessing impacts of groundwater on geothermal heat exchangers: A review of methodology and modeling, Renewable Energy, Vol. 190, p. 121-147
- Gao, R., Shen, C., Wang, X. & Yao, Y. 2022. Experimental study on the fouling and heat transfer characteristics of enhanced tubes used in a cooling tower water system with the actual water quality. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 181, 107777.
- Zilong Zhao, Yanwen Xu, Yu-Feng Lin, Xinlei Wang, Pingfeng Wang. 2021. Probabilistic modeling and reliability-based design optimization of a ground source heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 197, 117341.
- Gao, R., Shen, C., Wang, X. & Yao, Y. 2021. A generalized prediction model of waterside fouling for internally enhanced tubes in shell and tube condensers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 195, 117150.
- Li, J., Akdeniz, N., Kim, H. H. M., Gates, R. S., Wang, X., Wang, K. 2021. Quantification of sustainable animal manure utilization strategies in Hangzhou, China. Agricultural Systems, Vol 191.
- Li, J., Akdeniz, N., Kim, H. H. M., Gates, R. S., Wang, X., Wang, K. 2021. Optimal manure utilization chain for distributed animal farms: model development and a case study from Hangzhou, China. Agricultural Systems, Vol. 187.
- Li, J., Wang, X., Kim, H. H. M., Gates, R. S. & Wang, K., 2021. Optimal design of manure management for intensive swine feeding operation: A modeling method based on analytical target cascading. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 282.
- Gao, R., Shen, C., Wang, X. & Yao, Y. 2020, Experimental study on long-term fouling of enhanced tubes: Effect of water quality. Science and Technology for the Built Environment. p. 1-13 .
- Rong Gao, Chao Shen, Xinlei Wang, Yang Yao. 2019. Experimental study on the sticking probability and deposit bond strength of fouling in enhanced tubes. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 103 (2019) 17-23.
- Lai Wei , Dongwei Yao, Feng Wu, Biao Liu, Xiaohan Hu, Xingwen Li, Xinlei Wang. 2019. Impact of Hydrothermal Aging on SO2 Poisoning over Cu-SSZ-13 Diesel Exhaust SCR Catalysts. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b04543.
- Li, Xingwen, Dongwei Yao, Feng Wu, Xinlei Wang, Lai Wei, Biao Liu. 2019. New Findings in Hydrothermal Deactivation Research on Vanadia-SCR Catalyst. ACS Omega. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.8b03572.
- Chao Shen, Yuan Wang, Rong Gao, Yang Yao, and Xinlei Wang. 2018. An Improved Modeling Method of Water-side Fouling in Enhanced Tubes of Condensers in Application of Cooling Water Tower. Journal of Thermal Science (2018).
- Ye, Qing, Xinlei Wang, and Yongqi Lu. 2018. Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of phase transition and equilibria in a biphasic solvent system for CO2 capture. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2018, 57(29): 9627-9640.
- Yang, X., Y. Lorjaroenphon, H. Li, K. R. Cadwallader, X. Wang, Y. Zhang. 2018. Quantification of Odorants in Animal Feeds at Commercial Swine and Poultry Operations. Transactions of the ASABE 61(2): 693-698.
- Zheng, Z., L. Yang, R. S. Gates, J. Wu, X. Wang. 2017. Impedance-Based Moisture Content Sensor Assessment for Gas-Phase Biofilter Media. Transactions of the ASABE. Vol. 60(6): 2163-2173
- Ye, Qing, Hong Lu, Yang Du, Shihan Zhang, Xinlei Wang, Yongqi Lu. 2017. Experimental Investigation of the Absorption, Phase Transition, and Desorption Behavior of Biphasic Solvent Blends for Postcombustion CO2 Capture. Energy Procedia 2017, 114: 813-822.
- Shaoqing Cui, Jianfeng Wu, Jun Wang, Xinlei Wang. 2017. Discrimination of American ginseng and Asian ginseng using electronic nose and gas chromatographyemass spectrometry coupled with chemometrics. Journal of Ginseng Research 41(2017) 85-95.
- Qing Ye, Lingyang Zhu, Xinlei Wang, Yongqi Lu. 2017. On the mechanisms of CO2 absorption and desorption with phase transitional solvents. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 56 (2017) 278–288.
- Chao Shen, Lin Wang, Steven E. Ford, Cancan Zhang, and Xinlei Wang. 2017. A novel fouling measurement system: Part I. design evaluation and description. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 110 (2017) 940–949.
- Chao Shen, Lin Wang, Steven E. Ford, Cancan Zhang, and Xinlei Wang. 2017. A novel fouling measurement system: Part II. Commissioning. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 110 (2017) 950–961.
- Haijiao Cui, Nianping Li, Xinlei Wang, Jinqing Peng, Yuan Li, Zhibin Wu. 2017. Optimization of reversibly used cooling tower with downward spraying. Energy 127 (2017) 30-43.
- Dong-wei Yao, Feng Wu, Xinlei Wang. 2016. Impact of diesel emission fluid soaking on the performance of Cu-zeolite catalysts for diesel NH3-SCR systems. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2016 17(4): 325-334.
- Shaoqing Cui, Liangcheng Yang, Jun Wang, Xinlei Wang. 2016. Fabrication of a sensitive gas sensor based on PPy/TiO2nanocomposites films by layer-by-layer self-assembly and itsapplication in food storage. Sensors and Actuators B 233 (2016) 337–346.
- Dong-wei Yao, Feng Wu, Xinlei Wang. 2016. Impact of diesel emission fluid soaking on the performance of Cu-zeolite catalysts for diesel NH3-SCR systems. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2016 17(4): 325-334.
- Qing Ye, Xinlei Wang, Yongqi Lu. 2015. Kinetic Behavior of Potassium Bicarbonate Crystallization in a Carbonate-Based CO2 Absorption Process. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 93(2015): 136-147.DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2014.06.012
- Chao Shen, Chris Cirone, Anthony M. Jacobi, Xinlei Wang. 2015. Fouling of enhanced tubes for condensers used in cooling tower systems: A literature review. Applied Thermal Engineering. 79: 74-87. DOI: 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.01.014.
- Xufei Yang, Jongmin Lee, Yuanhui Zhang, Xinlei Wang, Liangcheng Yang. 2015. Concentration, Size, and Density of Total Suspended Particulates at the Air Exhaust of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association.
- Qing Ye, Xinlei Wang, Yongqi Lu. 2015. Screening and evaluation of novel biphasic solvents for energy-efficient post-combustion CO2 capture. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 39 (2015): 205–214.
- Chen, R. and X. Wang. 2014. Model-Based Fault Diagnosis of Selective Catalytic Reduction Systems for Diesel Engines. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars– Electronic and Electrical Systems. 7(2): 2014, doi:10.4271/2014-01-0280
- Shen, C., Chris Cirone, Liangcheng Yang, Yiqiang Jiang, Xinlei Wang. 2014. Characteristics of fouling development in shell-and-tube heat exchanger: Effect of velocity and relative location. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 77, P439–448. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2014.05.031.
- Yang, X., X. Wang and Y. Zhang. 2014. Assessment of Airborne Endotoxin at the Air Exhaust of Swine and Poultry Confinement Buildings. ASHRAE Transactions 120 (1): 316-325.
- Yang, L., X. Wang, T.L. Funk, S. Shi, R.S. Gates and Y. Zhang. 2013. Moisture Monitoring and Control in Gas-Phase Biofilters to Achieve High Ammonia Removal Efficiency and Low Nitrous Oxide Generation. Transactions of the ASABE Vol. 56(5): 1895-1903.
- U.S. Patent No. 8,434,299. “Strategy employing exhaust back-pressure for burning soot trapped by a diesel particulate filter†2013. Inventors: Gui X., G. Zhang and X. Wang
- U.S. Patent No. 7,047,730. “De-sulfurization of a NOx adsorber catalyst in a diesel engine exhaust system.†2006. Inventors: Wang, X., P. Barasa, J. M. O'Connor and S. Ren
- U.S. Patent No. 6,978,604. “Soot burn-off control strategy for a catalyzed diesel particulate filter.†2005. Inventors: Wang, X., X. Gui, S. Ren and G. Zhang
Journal Editorships
- Associate Editor, Transactions of the ASABE and Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2006 - present
Professional Societies
- North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA), 2011-present
- The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2004 - present
- International Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE): 2000-present
- American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), 1998 - present
- American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 1998 - present
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, UIUC, 2020, 2021
- Fellow, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers, 2019
- Sustainability Fellow, UIUC, 2013
- Teacher Fellow Award, North American Colleges and Teachers in Agriculture, 2013
- Academy of Teaching Excellence, College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, 2012 - 2015
- Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, 2012
- Distinguished Service Award, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers, 2011
- Honorable Mention Paper Award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2010
- Everitt Award for Teaching Excellence, College of Engineering, University of Illinois, 2010
- University of Illinois President’s Citation in Recognition of Clean Diesel Bus project, 2010
- Ben and Georgeann Jones Excellence in Teaching Awards, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, UIUC, 2009
- Global Scholar, College of ACES, 2006
- Honorable Mention Paper Award, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2006
- J. Kent Mitchell Teaching Excellence Award, University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2006
- Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, UIUC, Fall 2005, Spring, 2006, Fall 2006, Spring 2020, Spring 2021
- ASHRAE Annual Paper Award, American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers, 2001
- Gamma Sigma Delta, inducted 1998
- Alpha Epsilon, inducted 1997
Recent Courses Taught
- ABE 436 - Renewable Energy Systems
- ABE 498 XW1 - Eng Design for Solar SmartHome
- ABE 498 XW3 - Special Topics
- ENG 491 SD - Interdisciplinary Design Proj
- ETMA 438 (TSM 438) - Renewable Energy Applications
- ETMA 594 (ABE 594) - Graduate Seminar
- ME 170 - Computer-Aided Design
- SE 101 ZJU - Engineering Graphics & Design