Huan Hu
For More Information
Dr. Huan Hu earned the Bachelor's and Master's Degrees at Tsinghua University in China, and obtained his Ph.D. in the ECE department working with Prof. William P. King in 2014. He then joined IBM T. J. Watson Research Center as a postdoctoral research scientist for almost 3 years. He has led projects in both academia and industry and published 20 peer-reviewed journal papers published in international-recognized journals including Advanced Materials, PNAS, Biomaterials and Nanotechnology. Moreover, he has a strong application-oriented mindset and filed 20 US patent disclosures (5 patents granted) and 3 Chinese patents (2 patents granted).
His research interest includes advanced nanomanufacturing, bio-inspired sensing, micro/nano-sensors and lab on chip. He is now leading Nanomanufacturing and Biomimetics Research Group at ZJUI.
He is passionate in building an international group with postdocs, graduate students and undergrads from all over the world to apply micro/nanotechnology to real applications to benefit the society including improviing air & water quality, reducing the expensive healthcare, and enabling green energy.
Research Statement
Nanomanufacturing and Biomimetics Lab is a multi-disciplinary research lab, covering electronics, mechanics, materials as well as biology. The goal is to leverage the unique physics at micro/nanometer scale to develop useful technology appliable to healthcare, environment and energy.
Lab vision.jpg
Our lab focuses on following three research directions:
1. Advanced Nanomanufacturing.
1). Tip-based Nanofabrication for sub-10nm manufacturing. We will improve the automation and increase the throughput for the tip-based nanofabrication method and ultimately use it as an alternative way for chip manufacturing.
2). Develop scalable nanomanufacturing processes to enable the jump of nanotechnology from lab to wide application. For example, anti-bacterial surface used on implantable devices.
2. Micro/Nano Sensors
1). Bio-inspired flow sensors and tactile sensors.
2). System-level wearable sensors
3. Lab on a chip integrating nanotechnology
1). Nanotechnology allows bacteria or even small biological targets to be manipulated and analyzed in unprecedented way at the platform of lab on a chip. We are interested in integrate essential fucntions on chip.
Research Interests
- Lab on a chip technology integrating nanotechnology for exosomes and bacteria.
- Bio-inspired technology particularly biomimetic flow sensor and antibacterial surface applications
- Advanced Nanomanufacturing particularly sub-5nm nanofabrication and scalable nanomanufacturing.
Research Areas
- Health and Bio
- Nano Micro and Meso Technology
- Nanomechanics & Nanomanufacturing
Selected Articles in Journals
- 1. Z. Wang and H. Hu, Analysis and optimization of a compliant mechanism-based digital force/weight sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, 5(6), 2005
- 11. M. E. McConney, N. Chen, D. Lu, H. Hu, S. Coombs, C. Liu and V. V. Tsukruk, Biologically inspired design of hydrogel-capped hair sensors for enhanced underwater flow detection, Soft Matter, 5, 292-295, 2009
- 13. Y. Yang, N. Nguyen, N. Chen, M. Lockwood, C. Tucker, H. Hu, H. Bleckmann, C. Liu and D. L Jones, Artificial lateral line with biomimetic neuromasts to emulate fish sensing, Bioinspirations and Biomimetics, 5(1), 016001, 2010
- 14. H. Hu, J. Yeom, G. Mensing, Y. Chen, M. A. Shannon and W. P King, Nano-fabrication with a flexible array of nanoapertures, Nanotechnology, 23, 175303, 2012
- 15. H. Hu, P. K. Mohseni, L. Pan, S. Somnath, J. Felts, M. A. Shannon, X. Ling, W. P. King, Fabrication of arbitrarily-shaped silicon and silicon oxide nanostructures using tip-based nanofabrication, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. B, 31, 06FJ01, 2013
- 17. S. Somnath, H. Kim, H. Hu and W. P. King, Parallel nanoimaging and nanolithography using a heated microcantilever array, Nanotechnology, 25(1), 014001, 2014.
- 18. D. Agonafer, M. Oruc, E. Chainani, K. S. Lee, H. Hu, Mark A. Shannon, Study of ionic transport through metalized nanoporous membranes functionalized with self-assembled monolayers, Journal of Membrane Science, 461, 106, 2014
- 19. Y. Zhuo, H. Hu, W. Chen, M. Lu, H. Yu, K. D. Long, E. Chow, W. P. King, B. T. Cunningham, Single Nanoparticle Detection Using Photonic Crystal Enhanced Microscopy, Analyst, 139, 1007, 2014 (Selected as the Back Cover Article)
- 20. H. Hu, H. Cho, S. Somnath, Suhas Somnath, A. F. Vakakis, W. P. King, Silicon nano-mechanical resonators fabricated by using tip-based nanofabrication, Nanotechnology, 25 275301, 2014 (Selected as the Cover Article)
- 21. H. Hu, V. V. Swaminathan, M. R. Z. Farahani, G. Mensing, J. Yeom, M. A. Shannon, L. Zhu, Hierarchically structured re-entrant microstructures for superhydrophobic surfaces with extremely low hysteresis, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 24, 095023, 2014
- 22. H. Hu, Y. Zhuo, M. E. Oruc, B. T. Cunningham, W. P. King, Nanofluidic channels with arbitrary shapes fabricated by tip-based nanofabrication, Nanotechnology, 25 455031, 2014 (Selected as the Cover Article)
- 23. H. Hu*#, S. Banerjee#, D. Estrada, R. Bashir, W. P. King, Tip-based nanofabrication of arbitrary shapes of graphene nanoribbons for device applications, RSC Advances, V5, I46, 37006, 2015 (corresponding author)
- 24. H. Hu*, C. Huang, X. H. Liu, and K. J. Hsia, Thin film wrinkling by strain mismatch on 3D surfaces, Extreme Mechanics Letters, V8, 2016 (corresponding author)
- 25. N. Li, S. Bedell, H. Hu, S. J. Han, X. Liu, K. Saenger, D. Sadana, Single crystal Flexible Electronics Enabled by 3D Spalling, Advanced Material, 29(18), 2017 (VIP paper)
- 26. H. Hu*, J. Kim, S. Somnath, “Tip-based Nanofabrication for scalable manufacturingâ€, Micromachines, 8(90), 2017 (corresponding author)
- 27. S. Kim, B. Wunsch, H. Hu, J. Smith, R. Austin, G. Stolovitzky, Broken flow symmetry explains the dynamics of small particles in deterministic lateral displacement arrays, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences(PNAS), 201706645
- 28. H. Hu*, V. Siu, S. Gifford, S. Kim, M. Lu, P. Meyer, G. Stolovitzky, Silicon nanospikes fabricated by metal-assisted chemical etching for antibacterial applications, 111, 253701, Applied Physics Letters, 2017. (corresponding author)
- 33. K. Sakuma, H. Hu*, X. Hu, J. Ni, S. W. Bedell, B. Webb, S. Wright, P. Lauro, K. Latzko, M. Agno, J. Tornello, J. Knickerbocker, CMOS-Compatible Wearable Sensors Fabricated Using Controlled Spalling, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, Accepted (corresponding author)
- 34. L. Li, F. Tian, H. Chang, J. Zhang, C. Wang, W. Rao, H. Hu*, Interactions of Bacteria With Monolithic Lateral Silicon Nanospikes Inside a Microfluidic Channel, Frontiers in Chemistry, 7:483, 2019 (corresponding author)
- 35. Y. Zhuo, H. Hu*, Y. Wang, T. Marin, Meng Lu, Photonic Crystal Slab Biosensors Fabricated with Helium Ion Lithography (HIL), Sensors and Acutators A, accepted, 2019 (corresponding author)
- 5. Z. Wang, H. Hu, Y. Wang, YW. Wang, Q. Wu, L. Liu, G. Chen, Fabrication of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhex–anoate) (PHBHHx) microstructures using soft lithography for scaffold applications, Biomaterials, 27(12), 2550-2557, 2006
- 9. J. James, E. D. Goluch, H. Hu, C. Liu and M. Mrksich, Subcellular curvature at the perimeter of micropatterned cells influences lamellipodial distribution and cell polarity, Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton, Volume: 65, pp. 841-852, 2008
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- 29. H. Hu*, Y. Zhuo, Y. Wang, M. Lu, B. T. Cunningham, Functional Photonic Crystals Fabricated by Helium Ion Lithography, 13th IEEE Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Singapore, 2018(corresponding author)
- 28. K. Sakuma, H. Hu, S. W. Bedell, B. Webb, S. Wright, K. Latzko, M. Agno, J. Knickerbocker, Flexible Piezoresistive Sensors Fabricated by Spalling Technique, 2018 International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC)
- 27. L. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Nie, C. Wang, J. Liu, H. Hu*, Lateral silicon nanospikes integrated on sidewalls of micropillars for on-chip mechanical bacterial lysing, The 22nd international conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (uTAS 2018), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2018 (corresponding author)
- 26. R. Mao, W. Yao, C. Gao, Y. Xu, W. Chen, H. Hu*, BIO-INSIPRED FLOW SENSOR USING 3-D GRAPHENE AEROGEL, Transducer 2019 (Eurosensor XXXIII), Accepted (corresponding author)
- 1. L. Li, H. Hu, H. Lin, D. Ye, Electrowetting of the blood droplet on the hydrophobic film of the EWOD chips, 27th Annual International Conference, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, (pp. 1941-1944). IEEE, 2005
- 2. H. Hu, Z. Wang, R. Yue, L. Liu, Design and Optimization of a Microfluidic Cell Separator based on Dielectrophoresis, Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 1st IEEE International Conference on NanoElectroMechanical Systems (NEMS), 2006.
- 3. J. Wang, H. Hu and Z. Wang and L. Liu, Numerical Analysis and Optimization of Insulator-based Dielectrophoresis Devices for Cell Sorter Applications, Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 2007. NEMS’07. 2nd IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2007.
- 4. H. Hu, K. Shaikh, C. Liu, Super flexible sensor skin using liquid metal as interconnect, Sensors, 2007 IEEE, 2007.
- 5. H. Hu, C. Liu and N. Chen, A robust tactile shear stress sensor derived from a bio-inspired artificial haircell sensor, Sensors, 2008 IEEE, 2008. (Oral talk)
- 6. H. Hu, C. Tucker and C. Liu, Stretchable Strain Sensor Array using CNT Nanocomposite Elastomer, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, 2008 (Oral talk)
- 7. H. Hu and C. Liu, Characterizations and Optimization of Electrical Contact Between Nanocomposite Elastomer and Metal, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Solid-state sensors, actuators, and microsystems (Transducers’09), CO, USA, June 21-25, 2009.
- 8. H. Hu, S. Zhao, and C. Liu, Comprehensive characterization of contact, bulk and total resistance of strain-sensitive nanocomposite elastomer, The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Hong Kong, China, January 24-28, 2010 (MEMS 2010 oral talk)
- 9. H. Hu and C. Liu, Bioinspired water-enhanced acceleration sensing using artificial haircell sensor, The 16th Solid State Sensors, Actuator, and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head’2010), Hilton Head Island, SC, June 6 – 10, 2010.
- 10. H. Hu, J. Yeom, G. Mensing, Y. Chen, W. P. King and M. A. Shannon, Large Area Nanolithography on curved surfaces using a flexible nano-aperture array, The Manufacturing Technologies 2011 Workshop, Napa, California, Aug, 2011.
- 11. S. Somnath, H.J. Kim, H. Hu, and W.P. King, High Speed and Parallel Nanoimaging using an Array of Heated Atomic Force Microscope Cantilevers, Transducers 2013 and Eurosensors XXVII The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Systems, Barcelona, Spain, June 2013.
- 12. H. Hu, P. Mohensni. X. Li, M. A. Shannon, W. P. King, Nano-electro-mechanical systems fabricated using tip-based nanofabrication, SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2013, pp. 87250P-87250P-6, 2013
- 13. VV Swanminathan, H. Hu, MRZ Farahani, G. Mensing, J. Yeom, M. A. Shannon, L. Zhu, Hierarchical and re-entrant micro/nano-structures for superhydrophobic surfaces with extremely low hysteresis, 246th American Chemistry Society (ACS) National Meeting, Indianapolis, Sept 8-12, 2013
- 14. VV Swaminathan, S. Gannavaram, S. Li, H. Hu, J. Yeom and L. Zhu, Microfluidic platform with hierarchical micro/nanostructures and selex nucleic acid aptamer coating for isolation of circulating tumor cells, 13th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, Beijing, China, Aug 5-8, 2013
- 15. H. Hu, P. Mohensni, X. Li, M. A. Shannon, W. P. King, Fabrication of arbitrary silicon nanostructures using tip-based nanofabrication, The 57th International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photo beam technology and nanofabrication (EIPBN), Nashville, Tennessee, 2013 (Oral Talk)
- 16. Y Zhuo, H Hu, W Chen, M Lu, L Tian, H Yu, K D Long, E Chow, W P King, S Singamaneni, B T Cunningham, Detection of single nanoparticle using photonic crystal enhanced microscopy, CLEO: Science and Innovations, SM4P.6, 2014
- 17. H Hu and K. Jimmy Hsia, 3D wrinkling Thin Film Wrinkling by Strain Mismatch, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 2015 (Oral talk)
- 18. J. T. Smith, B. H. Wunsch, S Kim, H. Hu, G. Stolovitzky and Y. Astier, On-chip particle separation at the nanoscale, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, 2015 (Oral Talk)
- 19. H Hu, S. M. Gifford, P. Meyer and G. Stolovitzky, Bio-inspired Silicon Nanospikes Fabricated by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching for Antibacterial Applications, EIPBN, Pittsburgh, June, 2016 (oral talk)
- 20. H. Hu, S. Dietrich, C. Breslin, L. Gignac, J. Smith, C. Dean, Fabricating nanostructures on bulk silicon using helium ion microscope, EIPBN, Florida, June, 2017 (oral talk)
- 21. V. Siu, H. Hu, M. Lu, S. Gifford, P. Meyer, S. Kim, J. Knickerbocker, G. Stolovitzky, Bio-inspired Silicon Nanospikes Fabricated by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching for Anti-bacterial, Wearable Systems, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), Jiju island, South Korea, 2017
- 22. H. Hu, Y. Zhuo, Y. Wang, M. Lu, B. T. Cunningham, Functional Photonic Crystals Fabricated by Helium Ion Lithography, 13th IEEE Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Singapore, 2018,Oral Presentation
- 23. L. Li, H. Hu*,Jing Liu, A novel microfluidic chip with lateral silicon nanospikes for mechanical cell lysis, The Second Interntional Conference of Microfluidics, Nanofluidics, and Lab-on-a-chip, June 8-11, Beijing, 2018, Oral Presentation
- 24. K. Sakuma, H. Hu, S. W. Bedell, B. Webb, S. Wright, P. Lauro, M. Agno, J. Knickerbocker, Flexible Piezoresistive Sensors Fabricated by Spalling Technique, 1st IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC), in Ottawa, Canada (August 7th to 9th, 2018), Oral Presentation
- 25. H. Hu,"Additive tip-based nanofabrication for nanodevice prototyping", The 6th workshop on thermal probes, Zurich, Switzerland, March, 2019 (sponsored by SwissLitho AG)
- 8.Deterministic lateral displacement arrays, H Hu, SC Kim, JT Smith, BH Wunsch, US Patent 010010883
- 7. Flexible electronics for wearable healthcare sensors, P Andry, H Hu, K Samkuma, US Patent 10,280,077 B2
- 6. System, method and recording medium for temperature-aware task scheduling, I. Chuang, H Hu, T Wei, US Patent 010133610B2
- 5.Nano-pillar-based biosensing device, Y Astier, H Hu, N Li, DK Sadana, JT Smith, WT Spratt, US Patent 9,559,240
- 4.Flexible electronics for wearable healthcare sensors, H Hu, N Li, XH Liu, K Sakuma, US Patent 9,670,061
- 3.Nanopillar microfluidic devices and methods of use thereof, Y Astier, H Hu, N Li, DK Sadana, JT Smith, WT Spratt, US Patent 9,719,926
- 2.Lateral silicon nanospikes fabricated using metal-assisted chemical etching, SM Gifford, H Hu, PM Rojas, JT Smith, US Patent 9,775,339
- 1.Embedded noble metal electrodes in microfluidics, H Hu, MF Lofaro, JT Smith, DJ Solis, BH Wunsch, US Patent 9,804,122
Service to Federal and State Government
- Served as reviewers for 11 journals: Nano Letters, Scientific Reports, Microsystems and Nanoengineering, Langmuir, Sensors and Actuators A, Sensors and Actuators B, IEEE Sensors Journal, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Nanoscale Research Letters, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B