Miljkovic awarded ASME/PTS Gold Medal for work in phase change heat transfer

5/24/2018 Julia Stackler

Written by Julia Stackler

Nenad Miljkovic
Nenad Miljkovic
Assistant Professor Nenad Miljkovic was recently named the 2018 recipient of the competitive ASME/Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal.

The Gold Medal recognizes outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering within ten years following graduation with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or related field. The award is bestowed for overall outstanding achievement in the mechanical engineering field.

Miljkovic was honored for his highly innovative and impactful work in nanoscale phase change heat transfer, and enabling the use of scalable nanoengineered coatings to industrial sectors not previously utilizing nanotechnology. His work has significant implications for energy, water, and microelectronics industries.

Miljkovic’s research intersects the multidisciplinary fields of thermo-fluid sciences, interfacial phenomena, and renewable energy. His group, the Energy Transport Research Laboratory, aims to bring about transformational efficiency enhancements in energy (power generation to oil and gas to renewables), water, agriculture, transportation and electronics cooling by fundamentally manipulating heat-fluid-surface interactions across multiple length and time scales. The focus of his research is directed towards both fundamental research on micro/nanostructured surfaces for phase change and interfacial phenomena, and applied research on devices and systems including solar thermal energy conversion and atmospheric energy harvesting.

He has won several prestigious young investigator awards, including a 2016 NSF CAREER Award, and a 2017 Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award. In 2017, he was awarded a UK Distinguished Visiting Fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Miljkovic earned his master’s and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering in 2011 and 2013, and joined MechSE in August 2014.

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This story was published May 24, 2018.