Illini Hyperloop team remains on global stage


Members of the Illini Hyperloop team. MechSE and the Illini Hyperloop team were recently featured in an article in the Wall Street Journal about the upcoming SpaceX competition and the societal challenge of building a Hyperloop in general. The November 30 article highlighted Illinois' competitive advantage and interdiscplinary team. 

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Members of the Illini Hyperloop team.
Members of the Illini Hyperloop team.
Members of the Illini Hyperloop team.
MechSE and the Illini Hyperloop team were recently featured in an article in the Wall Street Journal about the upcoming SpaceX competition and the societal challenge of building a Hyperloop in general. The November 30 article highlighted Illinois' competitive advantage and interdiscplinary team. 

“MechSE and Illinois’ place in the Hyperloop narrative over the last several years is inspiring, and reminds us that the goal of designing a fifth form of transportation is a reality within reach. I am so proud to say that our students have proven to be true leaders in this important societal challenge,” said Anthony Jacobi, MechSE Department Head and Richard W. Kritzer Distinguished Professor.

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This story was published December 3, 2015.