Gall re-purposing surgical helmets in COVID-19 battle


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Ken Gall
Ken Gall
MechSE alumnus Ken Gall, now a Duke University professor, is leading a project that is turning surgical helmets into powered air purifying respirators.

Read the full article and watch the video on Duke's website.

Gall earned his BSME (1995), MSME (1996), and PhD (1998) from Illinois and continued to do postdoc work at Sandia National Labs. He returned to academia as an assistant professor at University of Colorado and then spent ten years as a professor at Georgia Tech. Now Gall holds positions as Chair of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (MEMS) as well as a professor of MEMS and Orthopaedic Surgery at Duke University. 

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This story was published May 1, 2020.