3/6/2018 Taylor Tucker
Written by Taylor Tucker
My senior design project last semester was to design the body shell for the Eco-Marathon team’s next car. I worked with Varun Punjabi, Jiehao Chen, and Nicholas Mark under TA Sameer Muckatira and faculty advisor Prof. Bruce Flachsbart. The finished car will compete in the Shell Eco-Marathon Americas at Sonoma Raceway in California beginning April 19th.
We worked closely with members of the eco-marathon team, Eco Illini Supermileage, throughout the semester. Illini Supermileage covered work for the engine, drive train, and electrical subsystems. Our project encompassed a steering system design as well as progress made toward a rolling chassis. At the beginning of the project, we divided the workload into three categories and chose leaders for each: manufacturing (Varun), steering (Jiehao), and aerodynamics (me and Nick).
Steering focused on designing a steering system with adjustable toe and Ackerman angles. The design also included optimizing the wheel alignment for least rolling resistance, a process which used a Matlab simulation to test a range of camber angles. At the end of the semester, we had our steering system assembled and mounted on a test chassis along with the wheels that will be used in competition. Some structural components were redesigned from previous years; each of those was 3D-printed and included in the assembly, with aluminum parts to be milled the following semester.
We used our research and Shell’s rules as a guide for our initial CAD model. We then determined, from measuring the team’s competition driver in various driving positions, that there was a trade-off between driver height and length— i.e. she could be laying close to flat, taking up less vertical space, or sitting up higher, taking up less horizontal space. The trade-off led us to test two body shell configurations: shorter total length with taller driver compartment, and longer total length with shorter driver compartment. After several iterations, we concluded that the former had better experimental performance under our conditions.
One of our last touches to the body shell CAD model before moving into fabrication was to create a recess for the front window. The window itself would be added post-fabrication. The team had suggested that we make a window frame in the body shell so that the window would be held flush as opposed to taped or glued onto the shell’s surface. We researched the previous eco car’s and PAC-Car II’s window designs to get a basic profile and then used some of our driver measurements to customize its dimensions to the driver’s range of vision.
After the body shell design was finished, all four of us transitioned to the next manufacturing step: fabricating the shell. We decided to split the shell into two pieces along centerline, basically creating canopy and lower body sections. The mold for the lower body was too large to mill in-house and was sent up to Ingersoll in Chicago at the end of the semester for machining. Since the canopy would not bear structural force, it could be divided into smaller sections and machined on the 5 axis in ESPL. We split the canopy into nose, middle, and rear sections and planned to have fix the nose to the lower body post-fabrication and make the middle and rear sections removable for driver and engine access. We cut, sanded, and glued together layers of very dense foam that was then machined into a mold. The molds were used for VaRTM to create each piece.
Although our project ended with the semester, the team’s work never stopped—they took over everything we had done and seamlessly carried on toward the goal of competing in Sonoma. Illini Supermileage’s current competition record is 1,137 miles per gallon, a record we are confident the latest car will beat. Everyone involved has put forth a ton of hard work and great effort throughout, and I am proud to have been a part of this project.
Photo above: Last year's eco-marathon car, the 4th generation of Illini eco-cars. All photos by Taylor Tucker or the MechSE Department.