Kim recruited to attend Hyundai Vision Conference


Doctoral candidate Minkyung Kim will present her research next month at the 2023 Hyundai Vision Conference.

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Minkyung KimMechanical engineering graduate student Minkyung Kim has been selected to attend the 2023 Hyundai Vision Conference.

The conference, organized by Hyundai Motor Group and scheduled for August 7-9, serves as an industrial platform for networking in the fields of robotics, future air mobility (AAM), autonomous driving, eco-friendly cars (electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles), device intelligence (embedded artificial intelligence and quantum computing), and smart factories. Hyundai is building several new electric vehicle plants around the world and plans to operate them as smart factories with innovative manufacturing technologies that apply robotics and AI.

Kim’s travel and accommodation will be supported by Hyundai. She will present during the Robotics Session as well as connect with well-known researchers and industry professionals from around the world.

Kim, who earned her BS from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), is a doctoral candidate in Professor Naira Hovakimyan’s Advanced Controls Research Laboratory. Her research is in the areas of adaptive control and machine learning. DiffTune – auto-tuning through auto-differentiation – unrolls the dynamical system and controller as a computational graph and updates the controller parameters through gradient-based optimization. Kim’s presentation will include DiffTune’s preliminary results on its extension to system identification.

“I am eagerly looking forward to attending this conference as it is the perfect chance to expand my professional network within my research domain,” Kim said.


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This story was published July 24, 2023.