King named IEEE Fellow


MechSE professor William King has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

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Professor William King
Professor William King

MechSE professor William King has been named a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This honor is given to less than 0.1% of its voting members annually and comes after a rigorous evaluation procedure.

The elevation to Fellow, which is effective January 1, 2022, specifically cites King “for contributions to nano-scale measurements and nano-manufacturing.”

King is the Ralph A. Andersen Endowed Chair in MechSE. He has been recognized for his breakthrough work on the Illinois RapidVent and is on the Carle-Illinois College of Medicine faculty in its Department of Biomedical and Translational Biosciences.

He is also chief scientist of co-founder of Fast Radius, named by the World Economic Forum as one of the world’s most advanced digital factories.

He advises numerous PhD candidates in his Nanoengineering Laboratory, working across the technical areas of nanotechnology, instrumentation, materials science, thermal transport, and micro- and nano-manufacturing. 

“It’s wonderful to be in a place like Illinois," King said. "My students and I have benefited greatly from the supportive environment. And I have personally benefited from great colleagues and collaborators who provide inspiring examples of success.”

In 2002, King received his PhD in mechanical engineering from Stanford University and joined the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech as an assistant professor. He joined the University of Illinois faculty in 2006.

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This story was published December 3, 2021.