Specialized Courses
In addition to the regularly offered curriculum, M.Eng.ME students can enroll in specialized 500-level courses developed for the M.Eng.ME program.
Examples of 500-level courses designed specifically for M.Eng.ME students
ME 543: Applied Control System Design and Analysis, taught by Dr. Kevin Wise of The Boeing Company and Innovative Control Technologies, LLC. Offered in the Fall semester, this course is the pre-requisite for Dr. Wise's more advanced course ME 598 Advanced Robust Control. This course covers advanced design and analysis of control systems by state-space methods: classical control review, Laplace transforms, review of linear algebra (vector space, change of basis, diagonal and Jordan forms), linear dynamic systems (modes, stability, controllability, state feedback, observability, observers, canonical forms, output feedback, separation principle and decoupling), nonlinear dynamic systems (stability, Lyapunov methods). Frequency domain analysis of multivariable control systems. State space control system design methods: state feedback, observer feedback, pole placement, linear optimal control. Design exercises with CAD (computer-aided design) packages for engineering problems. Key to the course are the applied/real-world examples and CAD homework problems used to teach and reinforce the learnings of the material. Aerospace control system pose some of the most difficult and challenging control system design problems. In addition to designing feedback control system gains, the course teaches filtering techniques needed in real-world implementation of flight controls systems.
ME 598: Advanced Robust Control, taught by Dr. Kevin Wise of The Boeing Company and Innovative Control Technologies, LLC. This course covers advanced robust control methods including optimal control using observer feedback, Linear Quadratic Gaussian, Kalman Filtering, H-infinity optimal control, static and dynamic projective control, and the Loop Transfer Recovery process to recover state-feedback frequency domain properties in observer based designs. None of these methods are covered in the ME562 course. The course then introduces adaptive augmentation to the optimal control observer-based architectures in which the observer becomes a closed-loop reference model. This adaptive control methods is completely different from the L1 Adaptive Control method conceived by Hovakimyan and Cao.
ME 598: Computational Modeling of Industrial Transport Processes, taught by Professor Emeritus and Research Professor Pratap Vanka, an expert in computational fluid dynamics and computational heat transfer. Recently updated, this course is highly recommended for M.Eng.ME students, in particular those specializing in Manufacturing or Energy.
ME 598: Electronics Cooling, taught by Dr. Winston Zhang. Introduction to microelectronics packaging from chip to system levels and the challenging thermal issues. Introducing concepts such as junction temperature, heat flux density and Moore’s Law. Fundamentals of various heat transfer modes and fluid mechanics with applications to microelectronics cooling systems.
ME 598: Applied Heat Transfer, taught by Dr. Winston Zhang. Review of fundamentals of convective heat transfer, boiling and condensation with industrial applications, heat transfer principles for heat exchanger design and/or performance evaluations, convective heat transfer in porous media with industrial applications and numerical methods in convective heat transfer.
ME 598: Structural and Computational Mechanics for Aerospace Application taught by Dr. Alexander Tessler, Distinguished Research Associate, NASA Langley Research Center. The objective of this course is to familiarize graduate-level students with a number of advanced concepts and analysis methods in the field of multilayered composite and sandwich structures. The course material will enable the student to expertly apply and further advance the novel techniques and modeling concepts in the areas of static and dynamic behavior of multilayered composite and sandwich beam, plate, and shell structures. The textbook for the course is: Mechanics of Laminated Composite Plates Theory and Analysis. Author: Reddy, J.N. (Author) Publisher: CRC Press. Please note that 2nd edition of book is available online through Grainger Library for registered students in the class. Outline of course and Instructor CV.
MS/PhD: mechse-grad@illinois.edu
M.Eng.ME: mechse-meng@illinois.edu