TAM 554

TAM 554 - Plasticity

Fall 2023

PlasticityTAM554C30970LCD41300 - 1450 M W  2051 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Huseyin Sehitoglu

Official Description

Phenomenological and mathematical formulation of the constitutive laws of plasticity; yield criteria and their experimental verification; plastic stress-strain relations and their associated flow rules; correspondence between rate-independent and rate-dependent plasticity; solutions to basic boundary-value problems, including plane problems and those involving cylindrical and spherical symmetries; variational and minimum principles; limit analysis; plane-strain problems and crystal plasticity; finite-strain theory. Course Information: Prerequisite: TAM 552.

Detailed Course Description

Phenomenological and mathematical formulation of the constitutive laws of plasticity; yield criteria and their experimental verification; plastic stress-strain relations and their associated flow rules; correspondence between rate-independent and rate-dependent plasticity; solutions to basic boundary-value problems, including plane problems and those involving cylindrical and spherical symmetries; variational and minimum principles; limit analysis; plane-strain problems and crystal plasticity; finite-strain theory. Prerequisite: TAM 552. 4 graduate hours.


Mendelson, Plasticity: Theory and Application, Huntington, N.Y.: Krieger (1983)
Hill, Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, New York: Oxford University Press (1971)
Kachanov, Foundations of the Theory of Plasticity, Amsterdam: North-Holland (1971)
Johnson and Mellor, Engineering Plasticity, New York: Halsted (1983)
Lubliner, Plasticity Theory, New York: Macmillan (1990)


Introduction and review of elasticity (3 hr)
Yield criteria for isotropic, homogeneous solids (8 hr)
Constitutive theories of plasticity (8 hr)
Variational and minimum principles (6 hr)
Limit analysis (5 hr)
Plane-strain deformation and slip-line theory (6 hr)
Crystal plasticity and physics of plastic deformation (4 hr)
Large-strain plasticity (6 hr)
Some elastic|ndash;plastic boundary-value problems (8 hr)
Computational methods in plasticity (4 hr)
Midterm exam (2 hr)

Last updated
