ME 430

ME 430 - Failure of Engrg Materials

Fall 2022

Failure of Engrg MaterialsME430GR64011LCD31500 - 1620 M W  3100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Sameh Tawfick
Jad Jean Yaacoub
Failure of Engrg MaterialsME430UG30307LCD31500 - 1620 M W  3100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Sameh Tawfick
Jad Jean Yaacoub
Mechanics of Structural MetalsTAM424GR71894LCD31500 - 1620 M W  3100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Sameh Tawfick
Jad Jean Yaacoub
Mechanics of Structural MetalsTAM424UG49317LCD31500 - 1620 M W  3100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg Sameh Tawfick
Jad Jean Yaacoub

Official Description

Material anisotropy and elasto-plastic properties at the crystal level; microstructural basis for fatigue, fracture, and creep in metals, polymers, and ceramics; failure mechanisms and toughening in composites; structure and behavior of metal-matrix composites, ceramic-matrix composites, and polymer composites. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 3 or 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: ME 330 OR TAM 324.

Detailed Course Description

Material and elastoplastic properties at crystal level, microstructural basis for fatigue, fracture, and creep in metals, polymers, and ceramics. Failure mechanisms and toughening in composites, structure and behavior of metal matrix composites; ceramic matrix composites and polymer composites. Prerequisite: ME 330 or equivalent. 3 undergraduate hours or 3 or 4 graduate hours.


1. Failure mechanisms in metals (Fatigue; Fracture; Creep)

2. Failure mechanisms in polymers

3. Failure mechanisms in ceramics and fibers

4. Failure mechanisms in composites

ME: MechSE or technical elective.

EM: Possible secondary field, with approval.

Last updated
