TAM 335

TAM 335 - Introductory Fluid Mechanics

Fall 2025

Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABA33316LAB01200 - 1350 M  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABC33347LAB01000 - 1150 T  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABD33357LAB01300 - 1450 T  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABE33359LAB01500 - 1650 T  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABF33360LAB01500 - 1650 W  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABG33361LAB01200 - 1350 W  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABH33362LAB01500 - 1650 M  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABJ35169LAB01000 - 1150 F  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABK35195LAB01300 - 1450 R  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABL45601LAB01000 - 1150 R  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABM54573LAB01500 - 1650 R  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABN54582LAB01200 - 1350 F  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335ABO54850LAB01700 - 1850 M  126 Talbot Laboratory 
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335AL135218LEC41400 - 1450 M W F  2310 Everitt Laboratory C. Ricardo Constante-Amores
Introductory Fluid MechanicsTAM335AL270179LEC41500 - 1550 M W F  161 Noyes Laboratory Ke Tang

Official Description

Fluid statics; continuity, momentum, and energy principles via control volumes; ideal and real fluid flow; introduction to the Navier-Stokes equation; similitude; laminar and turbulent boundary layers; closed-conduit flow, open-channel flow, and turbomachinery. Course Information: Credit is not given for both TAM 335 and either ME 310 or CEE 331. Prerequisite: TAM 212 or PHYS 325. Class Schedule Information: Labs will not meet until the first full week of class. Students must register for one lab and one lecture section.

Detailed Course Description

Fluid statics; continuity, momentum, and energy principles via control volumes; ideal and real fluid flow; introduction to the Navier Stokes equation; similitude; laminar and turbulent boundary layers; closed-conduit flow, open-channel flow, and turbomachinery. Lecture/lab format. Prerequisite: TAM 212. 4 undergraduate hours.


Introduction (2 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
Definitions, properties, systems of units
Table of contents
Laboratory introduction
Laboratory procedures

Fluid statics (3 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
Pressure, pressure variation, manometry, forces on plane and submerged surfaces, buoyancy
Laboratory A: Hydrostatics and manometry*

Flow kinematics (5 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
Velocity, acceleration, flow visualization, control-volume concepts, continuity principles, flow nets
Laboratory B: Flow visualization*

Fluid dynamics (6 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
Momentum and energy principles, Euler and Bernoulli equations, application of basic principles to flow of ideal and real fluids, separation, cavitation, introduction to the Navier-Stokes equations, statistical/stochastic flow fields and turbulence
Laboratory J: Viscometry*
Laboratory F: Calibration of flowmeters
Laboratory C: Flow around a bend in a rectangular duct
Laboratory G: Air flow through a nozzle

Similitude (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
Dimensional analysis, dimensionless similarity parameters
Laboratory W: Similarity study of overflow spillways*

Closed-conduit flow (6 hr lecture, 4 hr lab) Laminar and turbulent flows, pipe roughness and friction, the Moody diagram, minor (fitting) losses, hydraulic and energy gradelines, pipe systems and branching flows
Laboratory N: Friction losses in pipe flow*
Laboratory K: Head losses in a pipe with elbows

Boundary layers (4 hr lecture, 0 hr lab)
Laminar and turbulent layers, growth, local shear relations, total drag transition

Flow around a body (2 hr lecture, 2 hr lab)
Lift, drag, vortex shedding, separation, streamlining
Laboratory D: Drag forces on various bodies*

Open-channel flows (6 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
Uniform flow, specific energy critical depth, gradually varying flow, free-surface profiles, hydraulic jump Laboratory V: Open-channel flow*
Laboratory Y: Hydraulic jump in a horizontal channel
Laboratory U: Water table

Turbomachinery (5 hr lecture, 4 hr lab)
Pumps, turbines (impulse, reaction), turbosimilitude, specific speed
Laboratory T: Characteristics of a centrifugal pump*
Laboratory S: Characteristics of a Francis reaction turbine

Hour exams (3)
TOTAL HOURS: 44 hr lecture, 28 hr lab

ME: ME 310 required instead.

EM: Required.

Last updated
