TAM 251
TAM 251 - Introductory Solid Mechanics
Summer 2025
Title | Rubric | Section | CRN | Type | Hours | Times | Days | Location | Instructor |
Introductory Solid Mechanics | TAM251 | AL1 | 30464 | LEC | 3 | 1000 - 1150 | M W F | 4100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg | |
Introductory Solid Mechanics | TAM251 | OLC | 41671 | OLC | 3 | - |
See full schedule from Course Explorer
Official Description
Detailed Course Description
Relationship between internal stresses and deformations produced by external forces acting on deformable bodies, and design principles based on mechanics of solids: normal stresses, shear stresses, and deformations produced by tensile, compressive, torsional, and bending loading of members; beam deflections; elastic energy and impact; multi-dimensional stress states; and buckling of columns. Prerequisite: TAM 210 or TAM 211. 3 undergraduate hours.
Basic concepts of stress and strain (4 hr)
Uniaxial loading and deformation: Statically determinate and indeterminate problems; design based on yield strength, ultimate strength (5 hr)
Torsion of circular shafts and thin-walled sections: Geometry of deformation, stress, distribution, statically determinate and indeterminate systems, design of shafts for power transmission (9 hr)
Stresses due to bending: Geometry of deformation, stress distribution, symmetric elastic beams, transverse shear, built-up beams, design of beams for structural applications (9 hr)
Beam deflections: Differential equations, double integration, direct integration, method of superposition, design based on deflections, slopes, shear forces, and bending moments (7 hr)
Multi-axial stress and strain states: Transformation of stress and strain, Mohr|#39;s circle representations, principal stresses and strains, states of plane stress and plane strain, two-dimensional elastic stress-strain relations, yield criteria, design problems for combined states of stress (6 hr)
Buckling of columns: Euler theory, design of columns (3 hr)