TAM 211

TAM 211 - Statics

Fall 2025

Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADA33377DIS01000 - 1050 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADB33414DIS01100 - 1150 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADC33477DIS01400 - 1450 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADD33516DIS01500 - 1550 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADE34911DIS01600 - 1650 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADG34947DIS00900 - 0950 T  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADH34949DIS01000 - 1050 T  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADI34951DIS01100 - 1150 T  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADJ34954DIS01200 - 1250 T  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADK34956DIS00900 - 0950 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADL34958DIS01000 - 1050 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADM34961DIS01400 - 1450 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADN34964DIS01500 - 1550 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADO34966DIS01600 - 1650 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADP64909DIS00900 - 0950 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADQ35262DIS00900 - 0950 R  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADR35273DIS01000 - 1050 R  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADS64907DIS01100 - 1150 R  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADT64908DIS01200 - 1250 R  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210ADV64910DIS01000 - 1050 F  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
Introduction to StaticsTAM210AL135219LEC21200 - 1250 M W F  0027/1025 Campus Instructional Facility Tom Golecki
Introduction to StaticsTAM210AL235222LEC21300 - 1350 M W F  0027/1025 Campus Instructional Facility Kellie Halloran
StaticsTAM211ADA33292DIS01000 - 1050 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADB33379DIS01100 - 1150 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADC33519DIS01400 - 1450 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADD34912DIS01500 - 1550 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADE33479DIS01600 - 1650 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADG34948DIS00900 - 0950 T  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADH34950DIS01000 - 1050 T  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADI34952DIS01100 - 1150 T  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADJ34955DIS01200 - 1250 T  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADK34957DIS00900 - 0950 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADL34960DIS01000 - 1050 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADM34963DIS01400 - 1450 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADN34965DIS01500 - 1550 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADO34967DIS01600 - 1650 W  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADP64913DIS00900 - 0950 M  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADQ35258DIS00900 - 0950 R  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADR35268DIS01000 - 1050 R  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADS64911DIS01100 - 1150 R  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADT64912DIS01200 - 1250 R  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211ADV64914DIS01000 - 1050 F  0023 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg 
StaticsTAM211AL135220LEC31200 - 1250 M W F  0027/1025 Campus Instructional Facility Tom Golecki
StaticsTAM211AL235221LEC31300 - 1350 M W F  0027/1025 Campus Instructional Facility Kellie Halloran
StaticsTAM211ZJ180628PKG3 -    Nikhil Chandra Admal
StaticsTAM211ZJ280629PKG3 -    Nikhil Chandra Admal
StaticsTAM211ZJ380630PKG3 -    Nikhil Chandra Admal
StaticsTAM211ZJ480631PKG3 -    Nikhil Chandra Admal

Official Description

[IAI Code: EGR942] Forces, moments, and couples; resultants of force systems; equilibrium analysis and free-body diagrams; analysis of forces acting on members of trusses, frames, etc.; shear-force and bending-moment distributions; Coulomb friction; centroids, center of mass, moment of inertia, polar moment of inertia, and product of inertia; virtual work; hydrostatic pressure; applications of statics in design. Course Information: Credit is not given toward graduation for: Credit is not given for both TAM 211 and TAM 210. Prerequisite: PHYS 211; credit or concurrent registration in either MATH 241 OR MATH 257. Class Schedule Information: Students must register for one discussion and one lecture section.

Detailed Course Description

Forces, moments, and couples; resultants of force systems; equilibrium analysis and free-body diagrams; analysis of forces acting on members of trusses, frames, etc.; shear-force and bending-moment distributions; Coulomb friction; centroids, center of mass, moment of inertia, polar moment of inertia, and product of inertia; virtual work; hydrostatic pressure; applications of statics in design. Credit is not given for both TAM 211 and TAM 210. Prerequisite: PHYS 211; credit or concurrent registration in MATH 241. undergraduate 3 hours.


Review of vector algebra (2 hr)
Forces, moments, couples (2 hr)
Equilibrium, equipollent systems, resultants, distributed forces (5 hr)
Equilibrium analysis, free-body diagrams, practical examples (6 hr)
Trusses, methods of joint and sections (3 hr)
Multi-force members, shear-force and bending-moment diagrams (4 hr)
Statics and structural design (1 hr)
Coulomb friction, applications (3 hr)
Centroids and center of mass (2 hr)
Method of composite parts (2 hr)
Moments of inertia, polar moment of inertia, radius of gyration, product of inertia, parallel-axis theorem (4 hr)
Virtual work (3 hr)
Hydrostatic pressure, design considerations (3 hr)
Hour exams (3)

ME: Suitable substitute for TAM 210.

EM: Required.

Last updated
