ME 360

ME 360 - Signal Processing

Fall 2025

Signal ProcessingME360AB136674LAB01600 - 1750 M  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360AB236675LAB00800 - 0950 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360AB338737LAB01000 - 1150 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360AB438738LAB01200 - 1350 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360AB538739LAB01400 - 1550 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360AB638740LAB01600 - 1750 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360AB745564LAB00800 - 0950 W  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360AB845609LAB01000 - 1150 W  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360AB963468LAB01600 - 1750 W  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360ABA63469LAB00800 - 0950 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360ABB63596LAB01200 - 1350 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360ABC66251LAB01400 - 1550 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360ABD66353LAB01600 - 1750 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360ABE66354LAB00800 - 0950 F  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360ABG63593LAB01000 - 1150 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Signal ProcessingME360AL136667LEC3.51300 - 1350 M W F  4100 Sidney Lu Mech Engr Bldg  Prashant Mehta
Signal ProcessingME360AL236673LEC3.51400 - 1450 M W F  114 Transportation Building Srinivasa M Salapaka

Official Description

Basic electromechanical techniques used in modern instrumentation and control systems. Use of transducers and actuators. Signal conditioning, grounding, and shielding. Analog and digital signal processing and feedback control methods with emphasis on frequency domain techniques. Frequency response of continuous and discrete systems. Course Information: Credit is not given for both ME 360 and ABE 425. Prerequisite: ME 340. Class Schedule Information: Students must register for one lab and one lecture section.

Detailed Course Description

Basic electromechanical techniques used in modern instrumentation and control systems. Use of transducers and actuators. Signal conditioning, grounding, and shielding. Analog and digital signal processing and feedback control methods with emphasis on frequency domain techniques. Frequency response of continuous and discrete systems. Prerequisite: ME 340. 3.5undergraduate hours. Students may not receive credit for both this course and ABE 425.

1. Review of Harmonic signals, Fourier series, continuous time systems and Laplace transforms
2. Systems frequency response, Fourier transform, analog filters
3. Impulse response and convolution for continuous time systems
4. Sampling theory and introduction to aliasing, anti aliasing filters
5. Signal conversion techniques (A/D, D/A), signal reconstruction
6. Discrete time Fourier transform
7. Discrete Fourier transform, windowing
8. Discrete time systems and Z-transforms, response to periodic signals
9. Introduction to analog filter design
10. Introduction to digital filter design
11. Introduction to feedback control system, loop stability and PID control
12. Introduction to control system implementation
13. Instrumentation amplifiers and transducer signal conditioning, grounding and shielding techniques
14. Transducers (strain gages, accelerometers (piezoelectric and piezoresistive), load cells, pressure sensors, thermocouples, RTD's, etc.)
Actuators [electric motors (DC, AC, stepper), pneumatic, hydraulic]

ME: Required.

EM: Possible secondary field, with approval.

Last updated
