ME 340

ME 340 - Dynamics of Mechanical Systems

Fall 2024

Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AB136624LAB01200 - 1350 M  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AB236657LAB01500 - 1650 M  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AB345631LAB01700 - 1850 M  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AB436627LAB00800 - 0950 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AB536631LAB01000 - 1150 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AB663823LAB01200 - 1350 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AB736637LAB01500 - 1650 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AB877603LAB01200 - 1350 W  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AB936645LAB01500 - 1650 W  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ABA77604LAB01700 - 1850 W  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ABB36653LAB00800 - 0950 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ABC36655LAB01500 - 1650 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ABD36661LAB01200 - 1350 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ABE63824LAB01000 - 1150 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ABF36640LAB00800 - 0950 F  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ABG78569LAB01700 - 1850 T  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ABH79864LAB01700 - 1850 R  3073 Electrical & Computer Eng Bldg 
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AL136615LEC3.51000 - 1050 M W F  4025 Campus Instructional Facility Matthew West
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340AL367210LEC3.51100 - 1150 M W F  1092 Lincoln Hall Tom Golecki
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ZJ136620LEC3.51000 - 1050 M W F  4025 Campus Instructional Facility Matthew West
Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsME340ZJ375522LEC3.51100 - 1150 M W F  1092 Lincoln Hall Tom Golecki

Official Description

Dynamic modeling of mechanical components and systems; time-domain and frequency-domain analyses of linear time-invariant systems; multi-degree-of-freedom systems; linearization of nonlinear systems. Course Information: Credit is not given toward graduation for ME 340 and either SE 320 or AE 353. Prerequisite: MATH 285 or MATH 286 or MATH 441; TAM 212; credit or concurrent registration in MATH 257 or MATH 415; credit or concurrent registration in ECE 205. Class Schedule Information: Students must register for one lab and one lecture section.

Detailed Course Description

Dynamic modeling of mechanical components and systems; time domain and frequency domain analysis of linear time invariant systems; multi-degree of freedom systems; linearization of nonlinear systems. Prerequisite: TAM 212, MATH 285 and concurrent registration in ECE 205/206, and MATH 415. 3.5 undergraduate hours. Students may not receive credit for this course and any of the following: GE 320 and AAE 353.


1. Laplace transformation: properties, inverse transformation, solutions of differential equations by Laplace transform, transfer functions - poles and zeroes.

2. Modeling of dynamic systems: principles of conservation - mass, energy, fluid flow, heat transfer, mechanical/electromechanical systems, state(phase) space representation.

3. Dynamic system classification, linearization of nonlinear systems, dynamic simulation.

4. Time domain analysis of linear time invariant systems: first and second order systems, time constant, damping ratio and natural frequency, impulse response and convolution integral.

5. Frequency domain analysis: frequency response, application to vibration isolation, base excitation, measurement systems, Fourier series analysis.

6. Multi-degree-of-freedom systems: natural frequencies and normal modes, applications to beat generation and vibration absorbers.


1. Mathematical preliminaries. Complex numbers; partial fractions; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; MATLAB computations and graphing of real- and complex-valued functions.

2. First-order systems. Exponentially decaying signals; free and step responses of linear, time-invariant first-order systems; time constant; system identification; physical experiments with a leaking tank and a hydraulic motor.

3. Block diagrams and simulation. Time- and frequency-domain block diagrams with integrators amplifiers; Laplace transforms and transfer functions; SIMULINK realizations; numerical experiments with a mechanical suspension, a nonlinear pendulum, and a quarter-car model.

4. Second-order systems. Exponentially decaying harmonic signals; free, step, and unit impulse responses of linear, second-order time-invariant systems; natural frequency and damping ratio; under-, critically-, and over-damped systems; system identification; physical experiments with a single-degree-of-freedom spring-mass-damper system.

5. Mode shapes and resonance. Natural frequencies and modal oscillations; harmonic excitation; steady-state response; physical experiments with a two-degree-of-freedom spring-mass-damper system.

6. Continuous systems. Boundary-value problems for cantilevered and clamped-clamped beams; natural frequencies and modal oscillations; modal decompositions; harmonic excitation and resonance; physical experiments with a cantilevered beam; simulations with a finite-element model.

7. Nonlinear systems. Lagrange’s equations; equilibrium configurations; linearization and stability; simulation and physical experiments with a double pendulum.

ME: Required.

EM: TAM 412 required instead.

Last updated
