ME 290

ME 290 - Seminar

Fall 2024

SeminarME290H69988LEC01600 - 1650 W  0027/1025 Campus Instructional Facility Anthony Jacobi
Shea E Brunson

Official Description

Lectures by faculty and invited authorities, concerning the ethics and practices of mechanical engineering/engineering mechanics, as well as its relationship to other fields of engineering, to economics, and to society. Offered fall term only. Course Information: Approved for S/U grading only.

Detailed Course Description

Lectures by faculty and invited authorities from the profession concerning the ethics and practices of mechanical engineering in their relationship to other fields of engineering, to economics, and to society. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing in EM or ME; must be taken in the Fall Semester. 0 credit.


The exact content of the course will vary from semester to semester, as the invitations to speakers will be rotated between faculty and personnel and representatives of various industries. The following may represent a typical course for one semester:

1. Orientation

2. Ethics in engineering and professional practices

3. Interviews and placement

4. Graduate studies and research in mechanical engineering

5. Outside speakers from industry

Last updated
